Chapter 8. Keep you with me

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Chapter 8. Niall

                           I leaned on the wall in Liam and I's dressing room. He was laying on the small couch playing on his phone. Zayn is sharing a dressing room with us also but he had to go to the bathroom. Liam sat up and looked at me. "You haven't said anything the whole drive here and nothing now. What's wrong?" "Nothing" I mumbled. Liam rolled his eyes, "You're lying." "No i'm not" I growled. Zayn came skipping into the dressing room. Liam looked away from me and went back on his phone. "Niall, can I do your hair?" I shook my head. "C'mon! Please" he begged. I shook my head again. Zayn sighed and walked over to me. He picked me up and sat me down in a chair. I groaned in pain.

                        "Zayn!" "I'm sorry buddy" Zayn frowned. I jumped off and chair and bit my lip. Tyler and I had sex on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day. I know it sounds crazy but it was nice. So today is the day after Christmas and it still hurts to sit. Liam looked at me, "You didn't." I slowly nodded. "I thought.." I shook my head. "Wow" Liam said quietly. Zayn looked at both of us like we were crazy. "Am I the only one who doesn't understand this?" "Tell him Niall" Liam said and moved his eyes back to his phone. "Well, you know Tyler right" I asked Zayn. He nodded.

                    "Tyler and I are dating. And we had sex last night and it hurts when I sit" I blushed. "Am I the only one who didn't know about Tyler?" "Yeah. I'm sorry Zayn" I sighed. "It's fine" Zayn smiled, "I'm happy for you though." Louis and Harry came running into our dressing room, "Let's go lads!" Zayn wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked out of the dressing room. Another boring interview. My manger told me if the lady brings up Tyler to just deny it or say nothing about it. I was pretty pissed about it. I looked out on the stage thing and there was a couch. "Zayn, I can't sit" I whispered. "You have to try Niall" Zayn whispered back. I bit my lip and followed the lads to the couch. It went Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn and I on the end.

                            I sat down and hid my face in Zayn's neck, making it look like I was whispering to him. But I was breathing heavily trying not to cry because of the pain. Zayn patted my leg and I sighed quietly. I looked up and the lights were shinning in my eyes. "Good morning boys" the lady smiled. Liam waved. She started to talk but I zoned off. I looked around the place. It was bright and there was cameras everywhere. I don't like it when a bunch of cameras are looking at me. One or two is fine. But too many scares me, badly. That's why I usually get panic attacks when a bunch of cameras are in my face. I could hear Zayn was talking about Perrie.

                            He talks about her with so much pride. It's so adorable. I wish I could talk about Tyler like that. Maybe I can.. No Niall, don't do anything stupid.. But it's not stupid, it's for Tyler. "Niall" I heard my name be called. I looked at the lady. "The other day you were seen holding hands with that some guy. Are you finally taken now?" I looked away from her and looked at my manger. My manger had this look on her face telling me to lie. "Yeah. I guess so." I looked away from my manger and smiled at the lady. All the lads looked at me, Liam was smiling widely. Harry gave me a thumbs up and Louis was looking at Harry. Zayn leaned over to me and whispered, "We can find another manger." I bit my lip hiding my laugh and smiled at Zayn.


                            Tyler and I were cuddled up on the couch. He was playing a video game with Troye. "So your out of the closet now" Troye asked me. "I haven't said if i'm gay or not. I just said I was dating Tyler" I shrugged. "What did your manger say" Tyler asked. "She hasn't said anything yet. But Zayn said they won't kick me out of the band, they'll just find a new manger" I smiled softly. "Then Harry and Louis can come out too?" "I don't think so" I sighed thinking about Louis' face when I said I was dating Tyler.

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