Chapter 2 {Edited}

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-Chapter 2-

 Lucy's POV

After a very small dinner I was sent to my room and to stay in there because my brother is partying with the soon-to-be alpha down stairs. I was mostly sent to my room every night but in the morning I would always clean the mess, but I sometimes sneak at night to go my secret place. That's where I dream about me and my mate.

"Lucy come down stairs now!" Derrick shouted down from stairs. I quickly went down stairs, only seeing Derrick making out with a Blondie in the corner.

"You called," I whispered looking down, the couple separated away from each other. The blonde glared at me and Derrick looked then his eyes turned to rage.

"Look at this mess! Is this the one I am suppose to see when I come to this party!?" He yelled at me. He pointed his fingers at the floor that had someone's vomit stained in the carpet.

"I-I'm sorry I'm sure I cleaned the whole room before I-I l-left, maybe someone vomited after I cleaned?" I stuttered while reasoning with him, but that only got him more mad. I was shaking with fear and also saw the blonde smirking with amused eyes.

"I don't want your excuses! Now get out before I make you!" 

I was about to leave until he continued speaking, 

"You know what your so slow in walking, Why can't I help you instead?!" He grabbed my throat and threw me on top of the stair case. I lifted my head and saw all the pack members looking at me with disgust like I was some dirty mutt. Ironically. I quickly stood up and ran to my room, I felt tears streaking down my face. I quickly wiped them and entered my room crying myself to sleep, but only before slept I questioned myself...

What have I done to deserve this?

Derrick's POV

 I hated my self for abusing my sister, but she deserved it, she's the cause why my parents are gone. I watched as she quickly stood up and ran to her room, I also watched tears forming down her eyes. I just wanted to hug her and tell her that it will be alright, but I can't. I need some distraction right now.

 "Hey babe, why can't we take this privately ?" she said seductively, I turned around and started to kiss her neck. She moaned out loud, I was so annoyed by her moaning, but it was the only thing that can take things off of my mind.

She wrapped her legs around my waist as I started to walk to my room. As I arrived, I opened the door and started to kiss her fiercely. And that is just the beginning...


Lucy's POV

 I woke up early in the morning, to get ready to start break fast. I stood up and stretched. I felt my face dry with tears from last night.

I sadly sighed

I took a shower and changed into my clothes and went downstairs, I looked into the calendar across the room and today was the alphas son birthday and he's turning 17. Usually male were wolves find their mates at age 17 while the female find them in age 16.

The word 'mate' rings into my head repeating it. I closed my eyes and thought of my mate, I wish he was kind, not like the others here.

Don't worry Lucy, time will come, but not know......Lucille's reassured that to me. I smiled a bit and continued to make the pack breakfast.

As break fast was finished. I checked the clock and saw that it was only 7:30 in the morning. I shrugged

Its better if I went to school early. I grabbed my bag and went straight to school. I usually am early when coming to school and my grades are all A's. My teachers would say that I would be a successful person when I grow up and people would stop bullying me. Teachers and the Principle are the only ones who don't shout at me, shove me, or either slap or punch me.

As I went inside to my classroom for my first period. I sat down at the very back and sat down quietly. I just waited for my teacher and waited for the class to start.

Vincent's POV

As I drove my black Lamborghini to school, and entered the gates. I grabbed my bag and got out of my car. Today was my birthday so I get to find my mate. I just hope she would be a great Luna to the pack. 

As I entered the school doors I was met with the most intoxicating scent ever. And I know what that means, me finding my sexy mate. My wolf howled in happiness because he was going to find his mate. Yes, I shifted a week ago, and I know what your thinking I thought he was going to shift when he finds his mate. But your currently wrong. Male were wolves shift one week before their 17th birthday.

I was following the scent until...

"Hey man! I just wanted to say Happy birthday! " Derrick greeted from my right side. He then left for his class.

"Thanks man." As I started to make my way to follow the scent, I was again interrupted by a loud annoying squeal.

"Happy Birthday babe! I just wanted to tell you that if you don't find your mate I will be here for you." Chloe whispered the last part in my ear, it gave me shivers.

 My wolf growled inside annoyed because people won't pass through. I sniffed the air again and the scent was faint, but not traceable. I growled lowly only to my self to hear. I just shook it for the moment and went straight to class.

After my first period, and as I walked outside of the classroom, I was greeted with the same alluring scent from this morning. It smelled like strawberries and lavender. How I love those two scents.

I quickly followed it and it led me to the school hallway only to be met with the eyes that every one disgust.

Lucy Hale, my mate.

Lucy's POV

First period was done. Thankfully, not one rude comment thrown at me for an hour. Thank goodness.

As I got out of the class room I caught swiftly the most intoxicating scent. I knew it had to be my mate because of my wolf howling in happiness. I walked slowly through the hallway and followed the scent. I looked around only to be seen with a pair of brown eyes staring at me. 

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