Chapter 10 {Edited}

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-Chapter 10-

Chloe's POV

Aughh! That b**ch just has to come back and steal Vincent away from me, plus ruin my life. Getting beaten by her was the most embarrasing thing I have just experienced. That waste of space just beaten me, twice! I was fuming with anger and couldn't stop rethinking about what just happaned today. That slut will pay.

I opened my phone and dialed a secret friend. I never called him at times like this, but I also know what he can do. I usually just call him for sex and stuff like that I don't care about.

"Hello?" the voice was a man.

"Hey its Chloe, I just want you to take one person for me. Can you do that?"

"Sure, with how you pleasured me a few nights ago, I'll help." rolling my eyes. Men. "What's his name?"

"Okay first off. Its a she and her name is Lucy Hale."

"Hmmm... Intereseting, haven't done anything a girl before?"

Ya think?

"Okay, bye!" He faked kisses voice in the phone. I rolled my eyes. The call went off and I gave my self a wicked grin.

Lucy watch your back!

Lucy's POV

I woke up with the shining sun shining in my face. I felt a hand snaked around my waist.

I turned around and saw Logan in his sleeping figure. Oh my gosh. He is just too cute. Sometimes, I just wanna pinch his cheeks. I giggled a bit.

   I tried to move but can't, I tried again to budge out of his grasp. But to no avail. And guess what, he just hugged me tighter.

I sighed.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

   I got closer to his face and lifted my head just to be close enough to make him hear to what I say.

"Logan. I am going to mate with Vincent... And be his."

Just as I thought. He growled loudly and was now on top of me in a heart beat.

"You will not mate with Vincent got it. YOU ARE MINE!" he growled in my ear. Possessive much my dear. I just giggled

"Well, if you didn't hug me so tight I wouldn't be able to take a shower and train these people outside of the yard." I kissed his cheek. He was still not convinced. I sighed

"Please?" I murmered with a baby voice, his eyes seemed to soften.

"Say that your mine and not Vincent's." His voice was so serious, but his eyes showed fun to it. I smiled.

"Logan, I am yours forever and ever and I was never Vincent's in the first place. Happy? Now can I go, I need to take a shower." he kissed my forehead and took his arms off of me.

Finally! I walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I opened the shower and started to strip of my clothes. Then I took a shower.


After I walked outside the bathroom I was pinned in the wall with a hand in my waist and another at the left side of my face. Then a I felt a hot breathe in the right of my face.

"Logan I have to change and have to be downstairs in 10 minutes. " I wisphered in his ear. He groaned and let me go.

"Fine, but I get to take you on a date tonight. Just you and me."

"Okay. You just need to wait for maybe 5 hours." I put my finger in my chin. He groaned loudly. I kissed his cheek and left to go to the door.

"Fine. I will wait for you." I heard him shout out just as I was about to close the door. I smiled to myself.

I walked down stairs and smelled food. I thought I was early. I looked at the kitchen and found a Girl maybe 3 years younger than me. I remember her. She was the only person that was kind to me.

I tapped her right shoulder. She tensed and turned slowly at me. Her eyes were filled with tears.

"Lily its me Lucy." I whispered quietly with a smile in my face. She stopped crying and looked at me. She was the cousin of Chloe. She then hugged me tightly...crying? I've noticed some changed in her. Her skin went paler and she became skinnier.

   I then noticed a big scar in her left arm. She never had that before. We let go of each other. I cupped her face. Her face was filled with tears.

"Hey hey, stop crying and tell me what happened to you." I said softly. She was like a sister to me, well second of Hannah Logan's sister.

"A-a-after you left they made me the new maid and treated me horribly." she cried holding her face with wet hands. My blood was boiling. I guess these people didn't change at all.

"Hey Lily, have you found your mate?" I asked, she cried harder. I think this has to do with the rejection problem. I'm the same club darling.

"Tell me who is his name. Tell me. "

She looked at me and replied with tears. "His name is Shawn."

"As in the third in command?" she nodded slowly. I felt my blood boil again. I looked at her and she was still crying. My eyes softened. Just why?

"Why don't I help you with food. Okay?" I said with a sisterly voice. She looked at me and smiled a small smiled. I smiled back at her.


After we made breakfast for every one. We setted the table as well for the others. We were dead tired too. We heard foot steps and here comes the last person that can ruin my day.

"Is food ready? I need to eat. Pronto Lily." Chloe said with her screeching voice. Lily nodded while I just sat down there looking at them weirdly. Chloe then looked at me and sneered.

"What are you lookin' at b**ch!" I raised an eybrow. I guess she had guts to sneer at me just that I beat her two times.

"Wow, you never give up do you. Well, why don't you serve your selves, while Lily and I move along." I can tell Lily was surprised. I grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the kitchen.

"Tootles Chloe," I smirked.

   Leaving a fuming Chloe. I hate to admit it but I like that Chloe doesn't like to show weakness.



Okay. So two edited stories in a day. I feel so proud. Hahaha Joke! So I was quite thinking of finishing the editing before writing the sequel. Because there somethings that I want to add just before making the boom. Because it would seem bewildering if you didn't catch up with the first and the second book. So yeah. Thanks again guys!!! :3

-0laziness1- :)

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