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Jungkook's POV

"Aren't you tired of all these wedding preparations? Because I do," I said while driving the car towards Saesang Mall.  "I'm tired and I don't really have the mood for shopping today.. but there's no choice and we need to get them done by latest next week!!"

"Hey,  why not we go to the arcade today?  Have a lil break from this before Tae and mum comes," I smirked. "Make her have some fun before we come.  Okay Jungkook.  Me and mum will be with you guys at around 1300. So you got approximately 2 hours with her.  Spend it wisely."

Hyemi looked at me with huge grin on her face. "Are you serious or are you joking? Let's go!!!!!!!!!!!" Ngaw,  she looks cute when she's enthu about this.  Okay Jungkook,  let's make this day right for her.

Narrator's POV

The both of them got out from the car, went into the mall and ran towards the arcade.  They acted like kids. (Well Jungkook is the kid that influences her.) "OKAY LET'S PLAY THIS!!!" Hyemi jumped up and down , pointing at the latest game the arcade had install, "Dance Off 360" .  "Why not?" He smirked. They chosed the song , the song where the whole wide world knows. Fire.

Hyemi likes the choreography of the song and she memorised it and learned some from Jimin and Jungkook.  "Let's see what you got shall we?" Jungkook smirked. 

They start their dance and it went hellfire. Both of them are talented and the scene really looks like Jhope and Jungkook having a damce battle. 

"Oh my..they're killing it!!"
"Ngaw,  Jungkook and his girlfriend look cute together!! "

//time flies foward// 

Hyemi Kim: 196 735 points
Jungkook Jeon: 196 283 points

"I WON! Bless you Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook's POV

As long as she's happy. We got bored of the arcade and decided to go grab some ice cream. Ice cream is her best medicine to her cramps.  We sat at the ice cream stall eating our ice cream happily, enjoying our moments together. "Okay back to seriousness, I don't know what wedding gown I should buy...Mum's fashion is old fashion and I dislike it. The latest gown she suggested makes me look fat," Hyemi rambled while she poked her ice cream cup. "But you look cute in that gown!! You should just dress up for me and not for them," I winked. Hyemi starts to blush and she tried to calm down her inner fangirl-ness. 

"Are you ready for shopping? It's better to do some shopping before they come," Hyemi got up, grabbed my hand and dragged me out from my seat. 

Taehyung's POV

So mum decided to go to the mall earlier since she wants to know what they're up to. And of course to stock up her makeup supplies. I decided to call Jungkook that we're on our way. Just in case.

"Uh...hyung,  Hyemi's acting weird right now, she was crying because of a dog not having an owner,  and now she's mad at the quality of the makeup in the store.... Wait hyung! She needs to say something to you...

Yah Kim Taehyung Kim! Can you adopt that dog. It's sad to see that - YAH JEON JUNGKOOK!!!  DON'T.  FEED.  IT.  IT'S DIRTY!!!!!!!!!! 

Okay you heard it hyung.. what should I do?? "

"Oh shoot!  I forgot to tell you number 10!
10. If she is being a complicated person,  you gotta hug her tight. Her life is complicated just like mine.  Just hug her to ease her confusion of stuffs.  Or the other way is to give her a Kinder Bueno or something chocolaty! 

And we're on out way just tell me where y'all at. Umma brought some Hyemi supplies."

"We're at Jjang Corner.  Please come A. S. A. P"

"Noted. "

We got there on time and there's Hyemi eating her chocolate. Jungkook ran and gave a tight hug... surprisingly. "Thanks."

Once we're all settle down we decided to do our groom and bride shopping. 

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