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Narrator's POV

"Okay this dress seems perfect. Do you like it Hyemi?" her mum asked while she adjust the flow of the dress.  Hyemi looked at Jungkook who's looking at her in awe. 

"How did I not notice this beauty before the whole arrangement thing..At first I did this for the sake of business and parents but little did I know that.. I fell in love with her..Fell in love with Kim Hyemi—My bestfriend's little sister and my parents' choice of a girl."

"You look stunning in that gown," Jungkook smiled at her while checking out his tuxedo,"How about me?" "You look great Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook smiled from ear to ear and he bless himself dor having good fashion,  even though he just wear mostly plain colours on a daily basis. 

Once Jungkook's done with the paying, Taehyung dragged him out,  "We'll be back in this store. Just gonna buy some stuffs for the groom!" Taehyung and Jungkook went to the jewellery store to buy the engagement rings. "You're still not going to tell me what's inside the box?" Taehyung nudge.  "Soon. Hyung, which of these rings does she loves?" "The diamond."

Jungkook bought his own and Hyemi's engagement ring.  Jungkook then went to Pandora, while Taehyung's at the back. Jungkook bought another charm for the braclet that was kept in the box.  He bought a wings charm and Taehyung notices it.  "Why wings?  Why not a heart or something?"

"Remember when we were young,  we don't have any big worries, we were young back then,  we don't know what's a dream till we became adults.  We were young, we were full of faith.  The small feathers with us since young grew to become wings . With the wings with us,  we could fly high, higher than the sky to achieve our hopes and dreams. Hence the wings symbolises the encouragement in ourselves to push foward for the better things above us! It represents angel too!"

"That makes more sense now,  what other charms do you have?" This question led Jungkook to take out the bracelet from the box.  "AIGO HYUNG YOU CAUGHT ME AGAIN!" Jungkook realised that he took out the bracelet that he was hiding  from Taehyung.  "I won't tell her don't worry."

"So there's the heart charm which obviously represents love,

A clover which represents luck,

There's 4 essence charms that represents passion,  hope, freedom and health.

And soon there will be more charms added to this bracelet of hers!"

I didn't know my best friend could be this deep about symbolism and stuffs like that,  I can't barely do literature..Taehyung thought.  Jungkook smiled at the charm and kept it in the box. 

Hyemi and her mother on the other hand were looking at shoes. "Jungkook will like this one!"

//fast foward to end of shopping//

"We got our stuffs! Finally! Let's head home!"

They were separated.  Jungkook with Hyemi,  Taehyung with his mum.

"Do you know that today is actually their 22nd monthsary?" His mum smirked at him, " Do you know what they got for each other?  Because I'm really curious about it."  Taehyung was hesitant tell her what Jungkook had bought for her but he restrain himself from doing so.  "Do you think the marriage will be successful?" The mum asked with some seriousness in her tone. 

"Well,  indeed ths marriage is going to be a successful one.  Jungkook loves Hyemi deeply and so does Hyemi towards Kook.  Even though they hated each other during childhood till the day of their arrange marriage,  they still accept it and it turns out that the more you hate,  the more you love. 

Well, love isn’t all about butterflies and magic. It’s all about compromise, it’s all about arguments, full of ugly words and whispers. Love isn’t this huge beam of light that shines down on a couple for eternity. It is complicated and messy and it takes a huge amount of work.

They tried step by step to be a couple infront of you,  appa and me and well, it turns out that they're really a couple since the both of them fell in love through out this journey.  Hence I believe that it'll be successful."

They grinned at each other and Taehyung starts the engine of his car..

"Let's stop here shall we?  It's a nice view for us in a car," Jungkook breaked his car on the top of the mountain where they could see the beauty of Seoul.  "Well... I would like to say.. "

"Happy 22nd monthsary," the both of them said in sync and they laughed.  "It's funny how we only have a week left before our marriage huh?" Hyemi giggled.  "I'm excited for it.  I can't even believe that we're going to marry the person we hate-" "Well hate turns  to love surprisingly."

Jungkook took out the box while Hyemi too did the same action. "Here you go~! You deserve it,"Jungkook passed her the box. She open it up slowly and her eyes began to widen.  "Are you serious Jeon Jungkook?? You know that this bracelet with the charm itself is already expensive??!?!?!?" She hugged him tight.  Hyemi took out the small note in that box

"to me,  you're a really great girlfriend. happy 22nd months babe, i love you

Hyemi began to blush, her cheeks became red and Jungkook couldn't resist the cuteness of it hence he kissed her cheeks. "How could you survive as a wife if you're going to blush at my every of the things I do,"Jungkook laughed and pat on her head.

Hyemi passed her gift to Jungkook.  Little did he know that is favourite new kicks were in that box. He smiled ,"How did you even know that I want them??" He starts to admire the pair of shoes.  He notices a noted in the box too and he decided to read it.

"well, umma told me to do this because she believes that notes are better than gifts. you've been a really great boyfriend to me for 22 months and I'm proud of that. and thank you for everything.
i love you ♡
-hyemi kim"

Jungkook smiled at that note and kept it in his pocket. They both stared at each other and beamed at each other.

"I hate you Jeon Jungkook."

"I hate you too Kim Hyemi."

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