Chapter 23

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Nervously Spencer was pacing through the waiting room. He hadn't gotten any news so far and Leah was getting checked since over an hour now.

"Reid, sit down", Derek eventually said. But Spencer shook his head. "I can't. I'm nervous, okay?"

"But it doesn't help Leah in any way if you're freaking out here." Now it was Savannah that was speaking and she stood up from her chair to walk over to Spencer. "Come on, let's get some coffee and something to eat."

"Okay", Spencer sighed and allowed Savannah to wrap an arm around his waist and guide him out of the waiting room, where Derek stayed and watched them go. He was glad Savannah had finally made Spencer leave this room.

Five minutes later, Derek was still sitting there alone as a doctor came in. "Mister Spencer Reid?" He looked at Derek interrogatory. "Oh, uhm...I'm not Spencer Reid, I'm his friend. He just went to get a coffee. Leah alright?", Derek asked. The doctor nodded.

"Yes, she is. She's got a mild concussion and bruises though. We'd like to keep her two more days, just to be sure", he explained. Derek nodded as he put his hands into his pockets. "And...what about the baby?"

"The baby is doing fine, don't worry." The doctor smiled. "Mister Reid can see her if he wants to. She's in room 200."


"Hey, pretty boy! Come on, you can see Leah now. She's alright so far and the baby as well." Derek had gone to the cafeteria, where he found Spencer and Savannah standing at a high table, drinking a coffee and eating something. Spencer almost dropped his sandwich when he heard those words. "What? And...when did the doctor come and say this?"

Derek grinned at him being so excited. "Stop talking, come with me", he simply said and then pushed his best friends towards the patient rooms.

Slowly and as quiet as possible, Spencer opened the door and glanced into the room. There she was. Leah was lying in a bed, covered with small bruises but awake. "Hey." She smiled at him and reached her hand out into his direction. Spencer hurried to get to the bed and grabbed Leah's hand. "Hey. How are you feeling?"

"Tired. And...I'm having a pretty huge headache, but the doctors said that's normal. Our little girl is fine too." Leah put the free hand on her baby bump. For a moment there was silence in the room, before Leah looked up at Spencer again.

"I'm so sorry, darling", he whispered and squeezed Leah's hand. She just shook her head. "That wasn't your fault, Spencer. It was the other driver's fault, he jumped the lights. You couldn't have done anything."

Spencer sighed and leaned over to place his head on Leah's baby bump. With a smile on her face she let her fingers run through his messy hair.

"Get some sleep now, babe. I'll stay here", Spencer eventually said and Leah closed her eyes. It was true, she was so tired. And the headache would maybe disappear if she'd just get enough sleep now. Spencer was here, he was alright. And so was their baby girl. And she, Leah, would be fine again as well. With that thought she fell asleep almost immediately while Spencer remained sitting on his chair, next to the bed and gently stroke her hand and baby bump.


Leah woke up when someone knocked on the door. Feeling a bit spacy, she looked around until she realized where she was. In the hospital. Spencer was sitting on his chair and seemed to sleep.

"Hello dear." Leah's mother and father came in, looking slightly worried. "How are you doing? Are you okay?", Helen asked after she kissed Leah's forehead. "Yes, I'm doing alright, don't worry." She let her father kiss her forehead as well.

"Oh, hey." Spencer had woken up and sat up straight on the chair. "Hello, Spencer", Jeff smiled. "We were flabbergasted when Derek Morgan told us what had happened!", Helen said.

"I'm sorry, I should have called you straight away, but...", Spencer apologized. He came closer to the bed now and sat down on the edge of the bed, grabbing Leah's hand. "You had other things to do", Jeff said and patted Spencer's shoulder.

Leah's parents stayed for half an hour, then they had to go again; Jeff needed to go to work. But Spencer and Leah weren't alone for long, the whole BAU team came to visit and Penelope even brought a present.

"What is it?", Leah asked curiously as she took the wrapped, angled present. Penelope grinned. "Oh, it's something that will help you and Spencer", she simply said and excitedly waited for Leah to unwrap it.

"A book full of names!", she then exclaimed and held it up to show Spencer. He took it from her and quickly flipped through it. "Wow, that's a lot of names", he murmured and handed it back to Leah. She grinned.

"You guys won't have that much time anymore to find a name for your baby girl, so you better start the discussion about it now." Penelope winked at them both before she kissed Leah's cheek and then left as the last one of the group.

Finally, Leah and Spencer could have some time for themselves. Spencer joined Leah in her bed – he didn't want to keep sitting on that uncomfortable chair. He wrapped an arm around Leah's shoulder and then they started to look through that book full of names.

Since Spencer was an incredibly fast reader, he had looked through the book within ten minutes. Leah examined him interested. She didn't have any chance to read all the names that were written in that book, so she was waiting for him to make some suggestions.

"Hmm...what about...Louisa? Or Mia?" Spencer glanced at Leah. She grimaced and shook her head.

"Okay, then...Laura?" Once again Leah shook her head. "I knew a girl called Laura a long time ago and she was a mean beast, so nope." Spencer chuckled at Leah's words and flipped through the book once again, only a few seconds.

"And Joyce?" Now Leah snorted and then laughed out loud. "Oh my god, Spence, no! Joyce? Are you serious?"

Spencer shrugged and put the book aside. "Well, then you will have to look at the names", he simply replied and for a moment Leah thought he might be offended. But he smiled at her and wrapped an arm around Leah. She placed her head on his chest and sighed. "

"We still got time to decide on a name." She snuggled even more into his embrace. "I really hope I can go home again tomorrow. I hate hospitals", she murmured before she fell asleep. Spencer stroked Leah's baby bump while he watched her sleeping. He was so incredibly glad that he could still hold her in her arms. That there was still his baby in her stomach. He was thankful that he still got his girlfriend and baby.

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