Chapter 32

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Leah searched for some hold as one of her hand clawed into Spencer's arm. She couldn't stop the tears that were running down her cheeks. A hand was pressed against her baby bump. That man there, on the other side of the glass, had thought about killing a baby. And he has had the intention to find and kill her now. She couldn't believe that she had been pulled into a nightmare like this. But that nightmare was over now. Walter Owens was caught and he wouldn't be able to hurt her anymore. But wouldn't be easy to get rid of that feeling of insecurity she currently had.

"Leah...we should go", Spencer slowly said. But she shook her head. Although she knew that Spencer was right, she didn't want to leave. What if Owens would talk even more? Yes, he had admitted the murder on Leah's biological parents. But what if there was even more?

"Guys, can I bring you something?" Penelope had entered the room and looked from Spencer to Leah and then back to Spencer again. "Garcia, could you please bring Leah out of here and make her some tea?" Garcia nodded and gently took Leah by the arm. But she shook it off. "I'm staying", she said.

"No, you don't", Spencer countered. "You've been standing here for hours now, Leah! You're heard things you shouldn't have to hear ever and I'm sorry about this, love. But you're heavily pregnant and you have to think about our baby as well! Stop being so goddamn stubborn and go!" Spencer's tone didn't allow anybody to answer back.

"Come on, dear", Penelope said and finally Leah let her bring her out of the room. "But if he's going to say more, you'll have to tell me, Spence!", she exclaimed before they left. "I promise", Spencer said.


"Here." Penelope put a cup of peppermint tea and a sandwich on the table in front of Leah. "Thanks", Leah murmured, but she didn't touch the tea and the sandwich.

" need to drink and eat something", Penelope started a try to persuade her to get something. But Leah just didn't react. She was lost in her thoughts again. Of course, she was glad that she already knew why her biological parents had to die. But the reason why was just so...normal. Why would anyone kill a human being because of not getting a project? She struggled with understanding it. And it made her angry and sad at the same time.

"Come on, Leah", Penelope pleaded and reached her the cup of tea. With a deep sigh Leah finally grabbed it. "Okay..." She took a sip and then put the cup away again. Leah got up from the couch she had been sitting on.

Penelope looked up to her with a surprised expression on his face. "Where are you going?"

"I want to visit my parents. I...I need to tell them everything", Leah replied as she put on her jacket. "But you can't go alone! Spencer would kill me if I'd let you go now!", Penelope protested. Leah rolled her eyes. "I'm not sick and I'll go now. I can't keep staying here, it starts to drive me insane, okay? Tell Spencer I'm at my parents' house."

With these words Leah turned around and left. Penelope let her go, there was nothing she could do now. So, she got up and went to Spencer to tell him where his girlfriend went. He would understand.


"Oh dear, this is so terrible!" Helen wrapped her arms around Leah. She had told her parents everything while she had cried and cried. Those were the two persons she loved dearly. Those were the people she called her parents since she was a baby. And that would never change.

"At least you know the truth now", Jeff growled as he rubbed Leah's arm. She nodded and swallowed. Her throat was hurting from all the crying, but she felt a bit relieved now. With a sigh, she leaned against her mother. "Thanks that I can always come here."

"Of course! This is your home and we're your parents. That's something that'll never change", Helen said. "I know." Leah forced a smile. Before she, Helen or Jeff could have said anything else, the doorbell rang. Helen jumped from the couch and hurried to see who it was – it was late already. "Where is she?" Leah could hear Spencer's voice and she slowly got up.

"She's in the living room", Helen replied, but Spencer had already entered the room. He looked incredibly worried and rushed at Leah's side to put his arms around her and press a kiss on her temple.

"I'm okay", she assured Spencer but he didn't seem to believe her although he didn't say anything. "Would you like to go home?", he quietly asked. Leah nodded. She suddenly didn't wish for anything else than to lay in bed, cuddled up in Spencer's arms and to escape reality. They said their goodbyes to Leah's parents and then left.

Back home, Leah took a long, hot shower. She and Spencer hadn't talked on their way home and Leah wasn't sure that she wanted to talk about that day again tonight. It had been exhausting, frightening and she wanted to forget. Forgetting...that was something she doubted would happen. But she could try at least, right?

"Try to get some sleep now, darling." Spencer gently stroke Leah's arm and her baby bump when they lay in bed. Leah closed her eyes and snuggled closer to Spencer. She needed his warmth and immediately felt safe in his arms. They hadn't talked about Walter Owens again, but Leah didn't care. She needed a break.


Walter Owens was staring at Leah. A devilish smile was on his face and he kept saying: "I killed your parents. I killed your parents."

Leah wanted to run away, but her legs didn't work. She had to remain where she was standing while she had to listen to that man and his words. Desperately she shouted and screamed for help, but no one appeared...

"Leah! Leah, wake up!" Two large hands were holding Leah's shoulders and gently shook her. Leah opened her eyes and heavily breathing, she stared into Spencer's face. He had turned on the bedside lamp and shadows were rushing over his silhouette. "What...", Leah stammered as she slowly sat up as good as possible. She was a bit confused. "You had a nightmare, love. You screamed", Spencer explained while he brushed some hair out of her face and stroked her cheek. "Oh..." Leah lay back again and pulled the duvet up until it was right under her chin.

"Do you want to talk about it?", Spencer asked as he settled back into the pillows too and pulled Leah into his arms. She sighed. "It was a dream about Walter Owens." She shook her head. "I don't want to think about it anymore, maybe I'll forget it then."

"Okay..." Spencer kissed her lips and she buried her face in his neck. Soon Leah fell back asleep and her last thought was that she hopefully wouldn't have a nightmare again.

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