Fates Intertwined

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I am on cloud nine. No girl in the world could be happier than me. I've just finished my first official date with the love of my life, and Guess what? He proposed to me! Yes!!! At last, he asked me to be his girlfriend!

We are on our way back home. I am babbling about everything and nothing and he is driving while listening to my silly talking, laughing at my stupid remarks.

Oh, God!! I fell more and more in love with his smiles and the sweet dimples that show when he smiles. The sound of his laughter fills my heart with love and happiness. He is an amazing guy; handsome, fun, kind, loving, caring and above all my soul mate! One who is born for me, the one who completes me. I am the luckiest girl in the world, to have him as my mate.

I was lost in my thoughts when I felt something soft on my cheeks and looked up to see him caressing my cheek with concern in his eyes. Just then I realized that I had gone silent all of a sudden. I gave him a reassuring smile and he went back to his driving. He has one of his hands holding my hands and the other on the steering. He is well known for his careful driving, parents trusted him to drive their kids back from school and elderly people always ask him to drive them to doctors and church, and for the kind person who he is, he is always at their service. I am so proud of my mate, he is loved and admired by everyone.

It's so dark outside, but with my enhanced vision, I could see trees passing by. I know we are nearing home, we are around fifteen minutes drive from my home but I don't want this to be over. I need to spend more time with him, not ready to part yet. I know we are nearing the tree, and I was about to ask him to pull over so that we can spend some more time at our usual hangout place. Suddenly the headlight caught something darting across the road, he swerved hard to miss it and lost control over the car. I screamed as our car headed right towards the tree and everything went black just as I felt the crash.

Blood!! That's all I could smell, it's not mine but had a scent of familiarity with it. I could feel myself being dragged out. I tried to pull away and yell but couldn't raise myself to do it. Suddenly everything came back to me, the date, drive and at last the crash, I could feel the hot tears stream down my cheek. I sat up ignoring the protests of the one who is moving me and looked all around for him only to find him lying next to me and scooted close to him. His body is now limp and I can't hear his heartbeat, I could feel my heart shattering away.

I felt a strong arm on my shoulder. They are trying to move me away from him. I growled at them and snuggled closer to him. But they proved to be stronger and moved me away.

I was pulled into the warm embrace of my brother, I cried on to his chest.

"No No No...This is not supposed to happen. He...He is my mate. My soul mate. My other half. He is not supposed to die; he can't die like this and leave me all alone. We are supposed to live...Live together... live happily... He is my life, my love, and my best friend. How am I supposed to live without him? How can I face this world alone? Why so soon like this? He just proposed to me today to be his girlfriend. Why him? Why me?" I sobbed against my brother.

Then the pain came, the bond is breaking. My mate's soul is leaving this world. The pain is unbearable, like being burned and stabbed all over my body, every cell of my body is in pain. Then I screamed! Screamed with all my strength!!


Hi friends,

This is my first book...I have tried short stories n all before but this is the first time am doing a long one :)

I hope u guys like it.. please do comment n tell me what all things I need to improve.


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