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I walk upstairs and get changed into something more comfortable. I decided just to wear a pink tank top and high waisted denim shorts. I sit down on my bed as I try to answer the question that keeps trying to force itself out of me.
"You all ready?" Zach asks me outside my door. I walk over and open it for him. I walk back to my bed and Zach follows me. Before I can even stop myself, I ask Zach
"Zach, do you like me?" Zach looks taken back at the question I asked him. Just as I expected. I start telling Zach before I can stop myself.
"Because, I feel like you are only pretending to like me to help me forget about Ryan and Nicole." Tears start to roll down my cheeks realising that his answer could break my heart.
"Zach, I really like you" DAMN YOU MY STUPID BRAIN "and if you don't like me, please, just tell me and stop faking."
"Autumn..." Zach starts calmly. I don't want to meet his face, showing him my puffy pink eyes and quivering lips. 
"Autumn" he says a bit louder, I couldn't resist his voice so I look up at him.
"Do you think everything I have ever said to you and done with you is just pretend? Do all of our stolen kisses and our first date mean nothing to you? " I look into his eyes as I realise that he is telling me the truth, and I don't want him to leave me. 

"Please don't go Zach... I love you" I say barley above a whisper as a tear tumbles down my cheek. He stares into the depths of my eyes.

"I love you too Autumn."
I look up at him to see if he is joking or something. He's not. 

I then fling myself at him. I wrap my legs around his waist as I cup my hands around his face and start kissing him. He grabs my waist and kisses me back, making the kiss deepen. I feel like screaming of joy as I ask
" does this mean we are now a real couple?"
"Did you really think we were ever pretending?" Was his answer. I have the biggest smile on my face right now. I start laughing out of pure joy. Zach starts laughing because I'm laughing.
"What are you laughing about?" Zach asks. Through a laugh.
"I don't know, you just make my heart beat faster and faster every time I see you" was my reply. I can't get enough of him. So I kiss him again, except this time more fiercely knowing that Zach Evans LOVES me. He deepens the kiss and pulls me down onto my bed.
"Idiot" I say through a laugh "my mum is still home" I explain, but when I look into Zach's eyes and see the sparkle in them, I know that my mum being home is one of his least worries right now. I roll my eyes at him and let him kiss me again. I run my hand through his hair as he puts his hand behind my neck. He gives a small groan that makes me smile. I let my hand slip from his hair to his face. He gives me a smile. I literally want to eat him right now. I stare in his eyes as the familiar sense of warmth washes over me. Those eyes keep hypnotising me and pulling me back. Those eyes make me feel like Zach is the only person that matters. Those eyes have drawn me in since day one. God I love those eyes. I give Zach one final quick kiss as I take his hand and lead him downstairs. We switch on The Lion King and I snuggle myself into the perfect spot between Zach's neck and shoulders, like it was meant for my head to fit. He gives me a kiss on my forehead as we watch the movie together. I couldn't have asked for a better way to end the night.

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