~ Why-The-Heck-Am-I-Even-Here? ~

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In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you. ~ Andrea Dykstra

Autumns POV:


"Autumn!"  Penny and I scream before charging up to each other for a massive bear hug. Sure, it has only been a week since we saw each other but I mean, a week is still a long time for not seeing your best friend. Plus, there is something about the start of a school year/term that makes it so much more appropriate to hug your BFF.

"Ready for another year of why-the-heck-am-I-even-here?" Penny asks me with her hands on my shoulders. I roll my eyes.

"I don't really have a choice, do I?" I say half-jokingly. Penny just laughs and we head out into the foyer. I take a quick glance around. Phew. He's not here yet. We go to sit on a nearby bench and dump our bags beside our feet.

"Uh... Autumn? I forgot to tell you that Caleb and I are dating..." Penny says out of the blue. My head snaps around to face her.

"Oh my god, Penny! When did it happen? Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" I practically scream at her. She tries to shush me but I have too much excitement.

"Umm he asked me just before Christmas, I think a week after you left. You were always so busy and the times that you were free, I was busy so I never really got the chance to tell you. Then you and Zach broke up and I thought that telling you about my relationship status would definitely not help yours. So I guess I told you now because you have seemed to gotten over Zach....." Penny explains.

"Ahhhhhhhh! That is so so so exciting, Penny! So you have been dating for a few weeks? Awww! But why at this exact moment to tell me?" I gush out.

"Because Caleb is walking over here..." Penny drifts off and turns to Caleb who is almost here. Penny's eyes soften when she sees him and I can barely contain my smile for Penny. I'm so happy for her!

"Hey, babe. Hey, Autumn." Caleb says to us when he reaches to where we are sitting. When he greeted Penny, he leant down to kiss her on the head and I had to force myself from doing an 'aww' right there and then.

"Hey, Caleb. Congrats on the whole relationship thing. Don't break her heart OK?"I say to Caleb with a smile on my face.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Caleb turns to Penny with affection showing clearly in his eyes. Penny's eyes reflect Caleb's and I think I can see some blush starting to creep up Penny's cheeks. Cute! Caleb sits down next to Penny and wraps his arm around Penny's shoulder before both of them turning back to me.

"You guys are so cute. Anyways, have you gotten your schedule yet? Because we still need to get ours." I ask Caleb, trying to engage in a conversation.

"Uh no, I haven't. We can go together now if you want?" Caleb realises. So we all walk to the office together, a little group. With Caleb's arm still around Penny and me bouncing next to them. I feel really happy in this moment. Maybe this year, we can forget about the drama of the past and just enjoy ourselves with memories made.

"Next." The office lady calls from her little desk. Caleb goes first. He gives his name and he gets handed his schedule. Penny goes after, then I go and we all huddle next to each other trying to work out which classes we will have with who. I have a pretty even spread of classes with either of the two lovebirds so I'm pretty happy. There were only a few minutes till class started, so Caleb, Penny and I just talked about all the fun stuff that happened in the holidays. When the bell rings, I walk to class with a smile on my face and Penny next to me.

Zach's POV

"I'm telling you, when Autumn hangs out with Penny, she is fine," Caleb assures me for the fifth time.

"So, she is completely over me?" I ask with hesitation in my voice.

"Because when she sees me at school, she just looks at me with sad eyes and runs away. Caleb, am I really that bad?" My hand rests on my head from a headache I'm getting.

"Autumn had been cheated on by her boyfriend with her best friend, found love with you and then you all of a sudden destroyed it. Zach, you've really messed up." Caleb puts in bluntly. I stare at the ground wondering if right Autumn and I would be walking the school halls together. Have I really ruined our relationship? I need to fix this. There is still time right? Without telling Connor what I'm about to do, I grab my hoodie and run out of the door. I hear Caleb shouting out to me.

"Where are you going?!" He runs after me as I sprint down the path. I don't stop running till I see it. Her house. I don't even know why my feet decide do take me to her place. Heck, I don't even know what  I am going to say. It starts to rain so I flip my hood up. I reach her door, breathless.

"Zach!" Caleb screams at me. Before I know what the hell I'm doing I knock. I knock on her door. I hear laughter on the other side of the door. My sunshines laughter. The lock on the door gets unlocked and the door opens. Autumns face changes from a beautiful smile to a almost scared surprise.

"We need to talk." I look straight into her fragile eyes. Penny walks up behind Autumn and just like Autumn, her face drops. Caleb seems to have caught up with me and reaches out to hold Penny's hand. He pulls her gently away from us and leaves me to talk with Autumn. She looks at me through doubtful, broken, sad eyes. No! I never meant for her to look at me like that! I never meant for any of this...


Ummmm hi guys!!!! Quests what?! We have over 20 follows AND over 1.7K reads!!!!! What?!!!?!!!! Anyways..... how are you feeling about the emotions between Zach and Autumn? What about Penny and Caleb dating? Find out why Zach has a sudden change in 'heart' shall we say....Please please comment what you think!!! Thank you all so much for reading this far!! We love you all xxxx ~ Cloud_Queens

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