2 - Baker Street

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I woke up to the sound of voices outside of my door. I was still in the hospital and my temples were still pounding, but not as bad as earlier on.

 I'd started to become accustomed to the annoying beeping noise by now.

I sat up in bed and decided to be nosy, listening in to the voices outside my door that rudely interrupted my nap.

"We need to talk to her" I heard a male voice hiss sharply.

"I don't care that she's sleeping!" I hear another voice yell.

Well how rude.

"She needs to rest" Another man spoke up. I recognised this voice as the friendly nurse from earlier, and realised suddenly that the people outside were talking about me.

"Sherlock maybe we should come back a bit later on" 

The voices continued to bicker amongst themselves.

Finally after numerous minutes of pointless (and highly annoying) arguing, a shadow appeared in my door and it opened with an effortless click.

Two men entered my room, one of them was of average height, with greying hair styled off his face.

The other was taller, he wore a long dark coat that made him look awfully mysterious, and he had a head of thick, curly brown hair. But what I noticed, even from the other side of the room, was his eyes. Blue and piercing, they almost seemed to look right through me, I couldn't decide if they were really scary or really beautiful.

I didn't have much time to think about anything before the average looking man spoke up.

"Hi Eliza, my name's John, Is it alright if we ask you a few-" he had a friendly voice, but his tall friend cut him off immediately.

"Moriarty" the tall man said abruptly as he stared me down.

His voice was deep and serious, it filled the entire room. Under his gaze I felt quite small.

"Excuse me?" I questioned him, trying to find my voice.

"Jim Moriarty" he repeated, sounding bored, but not taking his eyes off me.

"Does that name mean anything to you?"

"Never heard of him"

After hearing this, the tall, intimidating man stopped staring and scowled. He looked puzzled and paced around the room for a few seconds before scowling again.

This guy is a nutcase. Do the hospital staff just let anyone walk in?

"Sherlock, maybe we should come back later" the average looking man who had introduced himself as 'John' said.

"No" Sherlock barked, turning to his friend. "All of the victims were government officials, celebrities, wealthy people. All of the murders so far have been people of importance, people who will be missed. So why her? Why would Moriarty, or Moriarty's fan club, pick someone so...boring?"

I looked at the man named 'Sherlock' sternly. "Excuse me?"

Sherlock ignored me and carried on pacing around my hospital room.

"Did you say murders?" I enquired.

"Yes" John said calmly "There's been a string of murders in London these past few weeks, and your incident seems to fall under the same circumstances as all the others, except you weren't murdered of course"

"But why not?" Sherlock spat. "And why you?"

I decided instantly that I didn't like Sherlock.

"What do you mean, why me?" I asked him, feeling a bit stupid.

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