10 - Don't Lose Faith In Me Now

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            A/N : I've put a great song from S4 just up there ^ I recommend listening to it whilst you read, it's the song I listened to when I wrote this chapter.

I felt my knees grow weak under my body weight, and my voice trembled.

"She's what?" I said quietly, wishing I had misheard John, but also knowing that I hadn't.

"Missing, Sherlock." He said, seeming to be in a much better state than me "She went out hours ago to go to the shop but she never came back. I went out to look for her but there's no sign anywhere"

I walked over to my chair next to the fireplace and collapsed into it, putting my head in my hands.

How could I let this happen?

"We have to find her..." I muttered, feeling weaker than ever. "We have to find out what happened to her"

Just as I was about to go to my mind palace to start filing through a million possible scenarios that could have caused Eliza to disappear, my phone buzzed.

I looked at my phone and as it lit up, I saw I had a text.

From Eliza.

My eyes widened and I almost felt my heart skip a beat as the alert came up on my screen.

"I-it's from Eliza" I said, attempting to find my voice amongst all the emotions I was feeling.

"Oh my god" John said, shocked. "What does it say?"

I unlocked my phone and clicked on the message, full of anticipation, hope beginning to imbue my mind.

She probably just got lost and she's texting me to tell me where she is. You're so paranoid Sherlock-

My faith disappeared and all hope was erased as I opened the text. I scanned the words over and over, wishing I had misread them, but every time they became more and more real. The text read:

I warned you

I read those three words a hundred times, each time they chiseled themselves deeper into my mind, rendering me incapable of thinking rationally.

And then I remembered. I remembered when that insect that called himself a man said: 'Drop the case. Leave me alone, otherwise next time, you won't like who you'll find at the bottom of the Thames' And I remember wondering what he meant by it.

How could I have been so stupid?

He must have been watching me before I found him, and that's how he found Eliza.

He's going to kill her so that I'll leave him alone and he'll get away with no sentence.

"It's him" I said to John, dismally. "It's the man that killed all those women John. He's got her."

He's got my girl.

My Girl.

"Oh my god" John said, covering his mouth with his hands. "Oh my god...What are we going to do?"

"I'm going to Scotland Yard, I need to find out where this text was sent from" I said, hardly recognising my own voice. It was frail and weak, yet it was dripping with hatred. I had never known myself to be so emotional.

Eliza had chosen to stick around me, she refused to see what everyone else saw in me. She thought I was exciting, witty, clever.

I wasn't as clever or as amazing as she thought. I could never be the extraordinary man that Eliza Moore thought I was, but that was the whole point.

She believed in me, and her faith in me never wavered, and now, she was about to be murdered for it.

"Sherlock dear, it's the middle of the night" Ms Hudson spoke up, obviously worried sick about me.

"I don't care!" I seethed, turning sharply to face her. "I need to find her."

"John are you coming?" I turned to look at my friend.

"Of course" John replied, picking up his coat.

Somewhere in London, a monster had taken hold of one of the only people of value I had left.

I swear I'm coming for you Miss Moore,

Don't lose faith in me now.

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