21 - A New Beginning

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I sat in my armchair, un-moving. My eyes still fixated on the exact spot where I last saw Eliza leaving, walking down the stairs, biting back tears.

Have I made a mistake?

"Sherlock" A hoarse voice spoke up from across the hall, and my eyes flickered over to John, who was rubbing his eyes. I must have woken him up.

"Why are you still awake?" the doctor groaned. "And where's Eliza? I heard her voice just a second ago..."

"She's gone" I replied, avoiding eye contact.

"What?" John stopped rubbing his eyes.

"I said she's gone. I told her to leave"

"You did what?"

"You heard me" I replied bluntly. "It was for her own good"

"Her own good?!" John echoed. "Well, where did she go?"

"I don't know"

John inhaled. Obviously troubled by my course of action.

"She loved you, Sherlock"

My eyes snapped over to where John was standing. Anger started to brew inside me and I clenched my fist. Who was John to judge? How could he ever understand?

"And what makes you think I didn't love her?!"

"Well, Sherlock-" John was getting angry now too. "Maybe you wouldn't have sent her away in the middle of the night with nowhere to go, huh?! Or are you more of an idiot than I thought?!"

Oh yeah. I forgot about that detail.

"She'll be fine" I mumbled.

She will be fine, right?


By the time I had cried until there were no more tears left in me, and I had spent far too much time thinking about what I did wrong to make Sherlock want to kick me out, the sun was rising over London.

I felt dirty and sweaty. I hadn't showered, all I had with me was my purse with odd notes and loose change and my dying phone in my pocket. I checked my phone, half hoping to see a text from Sherlock, but of course, the text I wanted wasn't there.

Without Sherlock I had nothing. I was nothing. The new life I had made for myself in London was built around him. What was I going to do now?

I was beginning to realise that relying so heavily on someone as I did with Sherlock was dangerous, and putting your entire heart in someone else's hands is never a good idea. Sherlock is the kind of guy my mum warned me about as a kid.

What am I going to do now?

There was only one thing I could do.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket hastily, tears still stinging my eyes, causing my vision to blur as I typed in the passcode.

I dialled a familiar number and a familiar voice materialised on the other end of the line as I pressed my mobile to my ear, clutching it tightly, trying not to scream and cry and let all of my anger out in the middle of the street.


"Hey mum" I breathed, biting back tears. "I'm coming home"

A/N - Short chapter I know, but there's a reason for it

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