14 - You and I

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IMPORTANT - From this chapter onward, I'm going to be taking some bits from the S4 story line. It's not going to all be the same for obvious reasons, I'm gonna be adding some bits in and taking bits out. I was really interested in adding Eurus into the story so that's basically what I'm aiming for.

*6 Months Later*

I woke up in Sherlock's bed inside Sherlock's room. We'd been dating happily for about half a year and finally, my life felt perfect. I spent a lot of time at 221B over the months with John and Sherlock but I never properly moved in, I still kept a flat downstairs for...Well, I wasn't sure why.

Sherlock and I were the only ones in the flat recently because John was spending a lot of time at his own home taking care of Rosie. He especially had his hands full since Mary died about 4 months ago, and I hadn't seen much of him since then. Sherlock had been in a pretty dark place for a while after Mary died too, so I'm glad I was there to stop him from doing anything stupid.

I yawned loudly and rolled over in bed, expecting to see Sherlock still asleep, but he wasn't there. I frowned and tried to think where my boyfriend could be, when I heard angry grunts and beeping noises coming from the kitchen.

I slipped on one of Sherlock's T-Shirts that was crumpled up on the floor and wandered into the kitchen.

Sherlock had his back to me, and was angrily pressing random buttons on the microwave and swearing under his breath. He was too absorbed in whatever he was doing with the microwave to notice I was there.

"Uh...Good morning?" I said playfully from the other side of the room.

Sherlock almost jumped out of his skin and I laughed. I liked it when I caught him off guard, he was so adorable when he wasn't keeping up the whole 'cold, unfeeling detective' act.

He quickly swiveled around and smiled, his body covering the work surface behind him. He was trying to hide something.

"Whatcha doing?" I teased, grinning

"Nothing" Sherlock shot back

I edged closer to him, trying to peek at whatever was behind his back. "Oh really?"

"Yep, really. You're up early"

"Yeah I know, you sure you're not hiding anything?"

Sherlock was trying to avoid catching my eye. "Pretty sure-"

"Sherlock...Is that bacon? In the microwave?"


I burst out laughing, tears pricking my eyes. Sherlock scowled.

"That's not how you cook raw bacon, Sherlock" I laughed.

"Thanks for enlightening me but I think I'm aware of that now" my boyfriend grumbled back.

"What were you trying to do anyway?" I wiped a tear from my eye.

"Bacon Sandwiches are your favorite right?"

I paused for a second, having to think about what Sherlock was saying.

I looked at him. "You were cooking me breakfast?"

"I was trying to cook you breakfast"

"Sherlock...that's so sweet" I smiled

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "So how do you cook bacon anyway?"

"I promise I'll show you sometime, but for now, let me do the cooking okay?" I chuckled

Sherlock just grunted in agreement and my stomach rumbled.

"Well, since you've successfully laid waste to the rest of the bacon, shall we go out for breakfast?" I asked

"Sure, where?"


Sherlock looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "McDonald's? Really?"

"The food is so nice"

"Can you even call it food?"

I smirked and gestured to the bacon that was now going off inside our microwave. Sherlock looked a bit embarrassed for a second and then he scowled at me.

"Shut up. Let's go"

*30 Minutes Later*

Sherlock and I strolled into McDonald's and were greeted with the welcoming smell of greasy food and and takeaway pancakes. Sherlock's hand was in mine. A few months ago Sherlock would hold his hand out for me to take it, but by now it was natural to us. Instinctive.

"What do you want?" I looked up at Sherlock.

"I'm not hungry"

"Egg and bacon muffin, did you say?" I winked and Sherlock chuckled at me.

I walked up to the counter and ordered the food whilst Sherlock got us a table. When I returned with our breakfast I had to do a double take when I saw Mycroft sitting next to his brother. I strolled over, chucking to myself.

"Mycroft! I never thought I'd see you sitting at a table in McDonald's" I laughed.

"It's lovely too see you too, Eliza"

"What's all this about?" I asked the older Holmes brother

"Yes, Mycroft, what is it about?" Sherlock said sarcastically to his brother.

"Is it so hard to believe that I just wanted to drop in on my brother and his beloved to see how they're doing?" Mycroft replied unconvincingly.

Sherlock and I looked at Mycroft and he sighed.

"Fine. I need to talk to you about something Sherlock but it's best if we go-"

Before Mycroft could finish his sentence Sherlock's phone rang in his pocket and he pulled it out before answering it. His eyes widened as he heard the voice on the other end of the phone and he stood up quickly before hanging up.

"It's John. He's been shot"

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