11 - Did You Bring A Gun?

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The first thing I remember was my ears ringing.

My eyes were heavy and darkness encircled me, dulling my senses.

Then I felt an ache in my neck, where I'd been drugged with a needle.

I tried to move and winced in pain, my whole body throbbed, bruising probably, but I couldn't be sure. I was sitting down but I wasn't in a chair, I was on a cold, slightly damp floor, and even though I was shivering, I could feel a layer of sweat on my bare skin.

I felt metal around my wrists. Handcuffs.

The handcuffs were slightly too tight, cutting off my circulation slightly, causing my fingertips to tingle.

I couldn't see anything, there was only the ringing in my ears, and the slight coppery smell of blood and cigarettes.

I remembered vaguely what had happened the last time I was conscious, but I wasn't panicking. My thoughts were all jumbled up inside my head, I couldn't think straight.

All I wanted to do was go back to sleep.

I fought the urge to drift back out of consciousness and opened my heavy eyes.

I was slouched on the cold floor, handcuffed to a rusty parking ticket machine in a car parking lot that I could only assume was abandoned. Although the parking lot was indoors, the stone walls did little to keep the freezing air from biting at my bare skin.

As I looked further onward, I thought I could make out a silhouette.

The silhouette drew closer, and then it spoke:

"You're awake" said a voice.

A male voice. Not one that I recognized. It was obviously an adult, but the tone was slightly high pitched.

I tried to respond to the voice, but all that I could manage was a stifled grunt. My senses were failing me and my eyesight began to blur.

"You're much prettier up close" the voice spoke to me, and my skin tingled where a hand was unwelcomely caressing my cheek. "Sherlock Holmes was a lucky man. But you're mine now"

Sherlock Holmes? Where have I heard that name before?

The ringing in my ears started to return and as much as I willed myself to try and move, or speak, or do anything, my body gave up on me and once again it all faded into nothing.

*6 Hours Later*

I woke up with a start. My eyes snapped open and I tried to take in my surroundings.

I'm handcuffed to a bloody parking ticket machine. Where the hell am I?

Then it all came back to me. Getting drugged on the way to the shop, being knocked out in broad daylight again.

Jesus Christ, why does this keep happening to me?

And then the pain hit me. My whole body throbbed as if I'd been dropped off a building. The left side of my face was numb except for a piercing soreness in my left eye.

Black eye. That must have been where I hit the ground. Ouch.

I tried to move. The cold metal of the handcuffs clinked and I grimaced.

"Jesus, ouch-" I winced in pain, every time I moved my body felt like it was being set on fire.

"Ah, Miss Eliza Moore" said a voice.

A male voice. High pitched and sinister.

I looked up to see a man approaching me from across the lot. His strawberry blonde hair was thinning on the top of his head and he had a short, but broad and muscular figure. He was wearing a simple T-shirt that was tucked in to his jeans, revealing a phone in his front pocket.

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