9 - No Evidence

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The three of us arrived at the crime scene. There were people in white suits and masks everywhere and the whole place was bordered off with yellow tape.

As we approached, you could make out multiple bodies on the ground.

And to my dismay there they were, all the young women who were kidnapped, the corpses still soaked from being dumped in the Thames. It was horrifying to say the least. All these beautiful girls, murdered in cold blood.

I put my hand over my mouth in dismay. Sherlock looked at me.

"You okay?" he said, actually showing genuine concern. I felt my face heat up a little bit and I hated myself for it.

He's only asking you if you're alright Eliza, stop getting so bloody flustered. Grow up.

I gave him a weak smile "Yeah I'm fine, it's just really sad..." I trailed off, knowing Sherlock wasn't the type of man to show remorse at a crime scene.

Sherlock, John and I all approached the corpses. Sherlock got on one knee and took out a small magnifying glass from his coat, examining one of the bodies. I knelt down next to another. There were wounds to the abdomen, stab wounds by the looks of it. I waved at John to tell him to come over and help me.

"You alright Eliza?" John asked me, kneeling down next to the corpse I was looking at.

"They didn't drown did they?" I replied to the army doctor, pointing at the wounds on the body "Look, they were stabbed"

"Yes it does look that way doesn't it?" Sherlock wandered over and interrupted. "The killer must have dumped the bodies in the water to get rid of any evidence"

"So we're dealing with a murderer now..." I muttered, trying to gather my thoughts.

Just as I was getting up, Sherlock's phone buzzed multiple times. He pulled it out of his coat pocket and his eyes lit up. The detective looked up at John and I.

"Just got a text from one of my homeless network. Someone suspicious hanging around Buckingham palace, I think this might be our guy" he said excitedly.

"Do you want us to come with-" John started to say.

"No" Sherlock interrupted "You two go back to Baker Street and wait to hear from me. I shouldn't be long."


I approached Buckingham palace, overflowing with anticipation. This case had been bugging me for what seemed like a very long time and now I was so close.

There were tourists everywhere, taking pictures of the grenadier guards and taking selfies with the building in the background. Just another normal day at the palace.

I glanced down at the photograph of the 'suspicious man' that a member of my homeless network had sent me. I found him in a heartbeat.

He looked like he was in his mid-thirties, strawberry blond hair, shorter than me and despite his broad, muscular figure, he had a chubby face and two small green eyes that seemed to sink into his face. To anyone else, he just looked like a normal man, if a bit funny looking.

I approached him.

"Lovely day isn't it?" I said with an overly friendly tone, smiling at my suspect.

He jumped a bit when I spoke, he obviously didn't see me approaching.

"What do you want?" he spat "Can't a man have some privacy?" his face twisted into an ugly frown. He looked like a pit bull, small and angry. His expression probably would have made me laugh if I didn't know he'd already killed multiple women.

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