Chapter 2 - Zayn

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Harry POV

I pulled up into the schools car park quickly noticing that all but one of the places closest to the school were full of sports cars. The space right next to the front doors was spare but I thought I would bring too much attention to myself parking there, so I opted for a space on the other side of the car park.

I cut the engine and climbed out of my old, red Mini. I love my car so much. With its union jack on the roof, it was perfection. I grabbed my backpack from the passenger seat and made my way up to school keeping my head low. 

I could already hear people laughing at me. I hadn't even said anything and people would no doubt be picking on me by break. Someone stuck their leg out in front of me and I was sent tumbling to the floor, books falling everywhere. The hall was ringing with laughter and I could barely keep back the tears.

I started trying to gather my things, but then I heard a quiet voice say three words I would never forget, "Are you ok?"

Zayn POV

I saw the boy fall to the floor and I immediately felt angry. I was often picked on at school as I was classed as a nerd but I had never seen this boy before and he was already almost crying. I didn't want him to feel or be like I was every day. Without friends or even someone to talk to. So I quickly hurried over to him and asked, "Are you ok?" Admittedly, I said it very quietly as I have never been good at meeting new people but he seemed to have heard as he looked up suddenly with fear in his eyes.

I examined him quickly to take in his appearance. I had always thought of myself as geeky and he was just as bad as I was. Smart, unflattering clothes, big glasses and greased back hair. He was like me but with brown hair not black, green eyes not brown and maybe he was a year younger. He was going to be socially dead by tomorrow.

"Yes, thank you." He murmured and I was taken aback by how deep his voice was. I immediately wanted to protect this innocent boy like a younger brother, so I helped him collect his things and stand up.

"My names Zayn, what's yours?" I asked him quickly. "Harry." He answered shortly. 

"You new?" I asked and again I got a short reply of "Yes." He was staring at his shoes still trying not to cry. "Don't worry about those idiots." I said pointing at the gorillas on the football team across the hall. "They're so stupid they only know how to trip people up, nothing else can fit in their brains." He laughed quietly at this and glanced up at me.

"What lesson have you got first?" I asked him. He stuffed his hand in his bag and pulled out his timetable. Examining it he said, "Maths." Maybe a bit louder than before. "Great." I cheered, "Me too." He smiled more widely at this as I gestured for him to follow me down the corridor.

As we were talking, I found out that he was taking many of the same A-Levels as me. (A/N The exams you take in England at 17 or 18, in your last year of school before university.) That meant I had many lessons with him and I was determined to make him my friend.

We entered the maths classroom and I sat at the front with Harry right next to me. As I always sat by myself that seat wasn't taken. The teacher quickly arrived and Harry and I lost ourselves in the wonderful world that is maths.

Harry POV

I really liked Zayn. He was so kind and caring. He didn't need to help me but he did and I really appreciated that. I must say that once you looked past his nerdy exterior he was quite handsome. Even though I swung for the other team, I would never be able to see Zayn as anything more than a protective older brother. He had jet black hair which covered his forehead, large glasses like mine and clothes just like mine too. However I could definitely see some high cheekbones and probably a toned chest. I also thought I saw the edge of a tattoo peeking out of one sleeve but I could have been wrong.

I quickly realised that I was talking to Zayn like he was a friend that I had known for years and he was talking just as enthusiastically back to me. I finally felt like I had made a friend. Let's hope it lasts.

*Hiya guys!!! Really enjoying writing this and I hope you are enjoying reading it too! Remember to comment and vote x Love ya! Make good choices ;)

-E x*

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