Chapter 12 - Strip

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Louis' POV

Harry looked shocked at my suggestion but quickly covered it up with a smirk. "Okay," He said, "I'll go and get some cards."

He left the kitchen. I suddenly realised what I had just done. I was going to be playing a stripping game with Harry Styles, the mouth-watering boy I just wanted to grab and ruin. I would have to control myself when the clothes started to come off. What if we both ended up naked? Could I control myself?

Harry re-entered the room clutching a park of cards in one of his ridiculously big hands. Seriously, he has giants hands. He gave them to me. "Let's go into the sitting room, more space." He said, before turning away and walking through the door opposite me. I swear his hips swayed more than usual.

We sat down on the floor, resting our backs on the two sofas, legs stretched out in front of us. I dealt Harry and myself two cards each.

"The aim of the game is to make sure your cards add up to or come as close to 21 as possible. Picture cards are worth ten and an ace is worth one or eleven. Normal cards are just worth their regular value. You cannot go over 21. If you do, you automatically loose and you know what that means." I explained.

He nodded and looked at his cards. An adorable frown crossing his face. No Louis! Not adorable, bad word, I mean... sexy? Yeah, a sexy frown crossing his face.

"Can I have another one?" He asked, sounding unsure.

"Yep, just say twist if you want more and stick if you don't." I told him.

"Okay then, twist." I dealt him another card and myself one too. My cards came to 18 and I thought that would be close enough to win this round.

"Stick." I said. "Me too." Said Harry.

"Show your cards then." I said. He lay down a King, a four and a six.

"TWENTY!" I shouted.

I had laid down my cards and Harry now looked very smug. So freaking smug. I didn't know whether to kiss or punch him.

"Strip." He demanded, and I can't say that a thrill of pleasure didn't shoot up my spine from his authoritative tone.

"Beginners luck." I grumbled, which made Harry grin, dimples popping out. I took off a sock and threw it in his face.

Twenty minutes, two beers and a lot less clothing later, we were both sitting in nothing but our trousers and boxers.

I could barely stop myself drooling over his perfect body. He was toned but not ripped. Not heavy with muscle like Liam, just well defined. Those artworks painted across his body just completed the brilliant image.

He was leaning back on his hands, staring at me as I removed my shirt. Eyes hooded, I could see him running his eyes down my body and it made my very self-conscious.

I dealt him two more cards. "Twist or stick?" I asked.

"Twist." He replied. I dealt him another card and he groaned. Eyes slipping shut and head falling back to expose his throat. The things I could do to that throat. I wanted him to groan again, maybe when I was on top of him.

"Bust." He said, signalling that he was over 21. As he was bust and I was on 17, I had won.

"Strip." I commanded and I watched as he pulled down his tight trousers. They caught on his boxers and pulled them down a little before he caught them. But he had shown me his whole v-line and I was feeling a bit tingly in my lower region. He wiggled out of his obscenely tight jeans and chucked them onto the pile of clothed next to us.

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