Chaper 14 - Fields and Cupboards

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Zayn's POV

I waited outside Harry's house in my car before school. We were already late and I hadn't had my morning fag. I was getting very stressed.
I pulled out the packet whilst I was waiting and lit up quickly. I relaxed immediately. People at school were still getting used to my look and me smoking. I suppose it was quite a big change.
I have had many girls and guys for that matter come up to me and ask me out but I have Liam and I never would what anyone else.

Harry came stumbling, giddily, out of his house. He was shining with happiness. I wondered what had caused this.

"Hey Zayn." He said as he slipped into the seat next to me. "Hey Harry, why are you so happy today?" I questioned.
He went bright red and muttered something about it being a really nice day.

I just shook my head and started the drive to school. "SHIT!" Harry shouted, making me jump. "Jesus Christ Harry! What!?" I asked.
"I forgot to meet Louis outside school." He gabbled.
"Don't worry." I said, "I've already texted Liam to say we are going to be late."
He sighed. "Thank God." He said.

"You know this will be our first time ever late for school." I told him.
"Yup." He said whilst looking out the window. "Niall has corrupted us."

I laughed as I pulled into the schools car park. I finished my cigarette and we walked into school together.
I could see people staring through the windows in the doors. I smirked and pointed this out to Harry.

We both had history and our teacher, well lets say, she likes our new looks quite alot. We walked into the class without knocking and sat in our seats at the back.
Harry and I just act bad. We still keep up with our studies.

Our teacher just beamed when she saw us. Not a telling off in sight. The class groaned. If any of them had walked in late, they would have had detention quicker than Harry finishing a maths problem.

I winked at the teacher and I swear she blushed. The disgusting thing is she is like forty and I think she has a husband and three children.

We were learning about medicine through time and Harry and I were taking discreet notes.
Niall said we have to look like we don't give a shit but if we still get good marks it looks like we are just amazing people.

At the end of the lesson it was break and I wanted to see Liam. Harry and I walked to the field and spotted Liam and Louis on a bench.
When Harry saw Louis, his eyes lit up more than usual which is saying something. Louis was just smiling so much his face would split. Liam was glancing between the two looking confused.

I sat down next to Liam and snuggled into his side. "Morning beautiful." He whispered into my ear. I shivered at his low voice and kissed his cheek.

His eyes were trained on me. Not looking away. Louis and Harry were talking quietly and Harry was slowly getting redder and redder. Those two confuse me.

I turned back to Liam and was met by a pair of lips. I kissed him softly. He kissed back slightly harder and pulled my hips towards him. I somehow ended up straddling him. He smirked into the kiss and I bit his bottom lip. He groaned and I bucked my hips my mistake. He moaned more loudly making me moan too.

"Guys." Louis said, snapping us out of our bubble. "Time for next lesson."

Louis' POV

I didn't want to let Harry go. I wanted to touch him and feel him. We had agreed to do nothing in front of Liam and Zayn. We wanted to keep it a secret.

Watching Liam and Zayn display their feelings so openly made me want Harry even more. I had been whispering the different things I could do to him whilst Zayn and Liam had been making out. I had succeeded in turning him a nice strawberry shade of red.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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