Chapter 9 - Kisses and Teases

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Zayn's POV

By the next day, Harry and I both had roaring headaches but I could remember everything that had happened. Including Liam.

I wanted him. I needed him.

After Harry's dare, we had crashed at my house to sleep off the alcohol. This, like Harry, was my first ever time of being even slightly tipsy and I could definitely feel the affect now.

I groaned whilst rolling out of bed. Suddenly thinking how mad it had been to throw a wild party on a Monday with school the next day. But school meant Liam, so I was already wide awake or at least, trying to be.

I kicked Harry's side and he waved me away. I knelt down next to him and whispered, "Wakey wakey sleepy head, are you ready for a fun packed day of school?"

Harry's head bolted upright before he clutched it muttering curse words. Let's say both of our vocabularies have become a lot move colourful since meeting potty-mouthed Niall. I gave him some pain killers whilst chuckling and wandered over to my bathroom.

I looked like shit if I do say so myself. I had big purple bags under my eyes, messy hair and I stunk of alcohol and sweat. I stripped myself of my dirty clothes and jumped into my shower, relaxing instantly. That was until a very unawares Harry came stumbling into the room still obviously half asleep.

"HARRY!" I screamed, making him jump and fall over. He suddenly realised I was there and ran from the room quicker than Niall if there was food nearby.

Once I had showered, I spent about forty-five minutes doing my hair. Today I made sure it was completely perfect as I wanted to impress Liam. The quiff was immaculate. Not a black or blonde hair out of place. I ambled over to my wardrobe, which has again drastically changed since Niall came into my life. Gone are the baggy trousers and sweater vests to be replaced with skinny jeans and band t-shirts, leather jackets and beanies, combat boots and more t-shirts, were now what filled my closet. I pulled on my black skinny jeans, white t-shirt and black leather jacket. I couldn't be bothered with colour today. I brushed my teeth before heading downstairs to cook breakfast.

By the time I had prepared breakfast, Harry had joined me. Wearing skin-tight black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, a red plaid flannel shirt and a grey beanie jammed on over his curls. He looked good even when he wasn't trying.

He attempted to smile before giving up and slouching in a chair at the table. I deposited his food onto his plate before eating mine in silence.

"I blame this on Niall." Harry said grumbling. "Well you can't say you didn't enjoy last night." I said whilst wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"You're one to talk." He shot back at me, making me go tomato red. We finished in silence and grabbed our bags before heading for Harry's car.

When we pulled up at school, many people turned to look at us, but I only had eyes for one boy. The boy who was staring back at me from across the car park. Who was walking towards me. Who was directly in front of me.

Liam just smiled at me before taking my face in his hands and planting a soft kiss on my lips. He pulled away looking worried before I grabbed the back of his head and tugged him to me again.

Our lips crashed together in a heated yet gentle kiss. It was like we were trying to put all of our emotions into just one kiss. He sucked on my lower lip making me moan and I ghosted my hands down his sides making my way under his shirt. It was like we were the only two people alive in the whole world.

In that moment I knew that this puppy-eyed, bad-boy would kill me if I didn't have him. The fireworks rushing up and down my spine were enough to prove that. He pulled away again and rested his forehead against mine. I smiled up at him and linked our fingers together. "Be mine?" He whispered, taking me by surprise.

"Always." I replied simply and he beamed at me before pecking me on the lips and dragging me over to where Harry, Louis and Niall were now standing.

"Something you want to tell us boys?" Louis asked whilst smirking. "Nope." Liam told him popping the p.

Harry and Niall grinned at me and we all made our way into school together. I heard some girls and even guys groan at the sight of Liam and I's linked hands, but I wasn't bothered. I had this wonderful boy next to me and he was all mine.

Louis' POV

Well I had expected Liam and Zayn to get together ever since Liam had first set eyes on Zayn. He had never stopped talking about the brown-eyed, raven haired boy he wanted so desperately.

We were now walking down the corridor together as a big group and I couldn't help but glance at the curly haired lad beside me. Just remembering what he had done to me last night gave me shivers up my spine.

Had that confident man of last night really been that shy nerd I had seen on Friday? But he was. And now I knew his name. Harry. Haz. Hazza. So many to choose from. I couldn't wait to try all of them out.

I felt like a third wheel with Harry, as Liam and Zayn were looking very loved up and Niall had found a beautiful girl to talk to.

I turned to Harry and found him watching me. I loved his beanie. It covered most of his curls but a few were peeping out around his face.

"Sit with me at lunch." I asked him but it came out as more of a command. "Sure." He replied before opening his locker to get his books out. How had I not noticed his large hands?! They were huge with long fingers. He looked like a pianist. As he dragged Zayn away from Liam for first period, I wondered what those hands could do to me. I had to stop myself quickly before I gave myself a problem to deal with.

By lunch rumours were flying. Liam and Zayn were now officially the schools newest couple and everyone had a different theory about how it had happened. This ranged from the truth of what had happened this morning to wild stories about how Liam had given Zayn a promise ring under the stars, on a boat, whilst singing, at midnight.

There were also plenty of rumours about Harry too. Like how everyone seemed to think he had a taste for older women. Another one was that if he was wearing a beanie it meant he had slept with someone the night before. I for one hoped that both of these rumours where bullshit.

Liam and I met at our usual table but were joined quickly by Harry, Zayn, Niall and a girl. Zayn and Liam were oblivious to the world as usual, but Niall and his girl were trying to make conversation with Harry and I.

"Got a hangover?" Niall questioned. "Mines alright." Said Harry. This surprised me as I thought he would be a lightweight and my headache was just as bad as it usually was. Bloody awful. But I suppose you learn something new every day. 

To keep my mind off my headache which was still thumping even after my painkillers, I decided to have some fun. As Harry was still talking to Niall, I placed my hand on his thigh under the table and squeezed. I felt him tense and heard him stutter but carry on chatting to Niall.

I began to walk my fingers up his leg until they were dangerously close to his crotch. I brushed over it twice, smirking when I heard his breath catch in his throat. He had probably never been touched like this before and it excited me.

I pushed a bit harder onto him and he moaned softly before glancing at me angrily and excusing himself from the table saying he needed he toilet. I quickly followed him out of the canteen and into the boys toilets.

*Hi guys!! Ooooohhh naughty Louis and some Ziam action. Love this and remember to comment and vote! Love ya! <3 Make good choices ;)

-E x*

Improvements - Larry and ZiamWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu