Blood-Red Stranger

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Almost too familuarily, I woke up to more different surroundings. I was getting too used to this. 

Sounding like a zombie, I yawned. Haha, that sounded funny. Where was I? Looking round, I could see just endless walls of a corridoor, and beds in rows. The hell?

"Hello?" I said, noticing nothing hurt anymore. A nice tingly feeling replaced it. Murmers started getting louder, and I saw a crowd emerging frm the bottom of the coridoor. What was going on? They were stampeding towards me, like little tiny bull-like humans. They sounded like little kids. "Calm down..." I muttered, making myself laugh again. I seem to be lauging a lot lately.

I could make out faces now, and I could pick out voices and shouts. Mainly: "SHE'S AWAKE!" One girl, around 13, was at the front... she was about 10 paces away.

THUD. Around 15 kids slammed into my tiny bed. I snapped. "Get the hell away! Please, space!" I shouted over them. They all looked a little bit surprised, but all but one took a step back. The girl from the front stayed where she was. I just stared at her, and folded my arms in ignorance. 

"Hey guys, she clearly wants space. Come back later." She said to everyone, before sitting at my feet. Everyone left, chatting to themselves. Still staring at the girl, I cocked my head to one side. "Hey, I'm Carrissa. Call me Carrie. How are you?" She smiled, reaching out her hand. Admittedly, she reminded me of my old best friend... what was her name? Why can't I remember?

Carrie was tall, and had defined cheekbones that hid behind her wavy auburn hair. Also, her eyes were a warm brown, with green specs. She was slim, and had an undeveloped body. Her feautres were all small and pretty... she looked like the kind of person I would want to talk to on a regular basis.

"Err... Hey. I'm Destery." I shook her hand, before wrapping my arms around my knees.

"I'm so sorry!" She gasped, smiling to herself. "You must be very confused. You're in the mental institution." She frowned awkwardly. Wow, the Doc wasn't kidding, was he?

"It's so white... everywhere. Why are you here? You seem so normal?" I asked, curious because she seemed so nice.

"Well, it's a tough story..." She looked sad.

"Sorry, you don't have to tell me..." I replied, feeling instantly rude and offensive.

"Oh no, it's fine," She looked at me, "I have attempted suicide three times now."

Gasping, my mouth literally hung open. "What? Why? You're only about 13?"

"12, actually. my father raped me and my mother doesn't care." Her lip trembled, and I couldn't help but give her a hug. I hadn't felt this attatched to someone in ages.

"Carrie, I'm so sorry." I whispered, and she pushed me away gently. She only smiled, and asked what was my story. Could I trust her? I'd only just met her, but I already saw something of me in her. "Well, I don't know how to explain it. It sounds a bit odd, I've never really had to explain the full story to anyone. My parent's have always done it. Basically, promise not to laugh, whenever I go to the woods, I get possessed. Phases, exorcism, posession... whatever you want to call it." I shrugged. She gasped too, but only rubbed my shoulder.

"It seems we both have our fair share of problems..." She explained, and shrugged it off. "Hey, less depressing stuff, let's go eat?"

"Yeah. Not eaten in what feels like days." I laughed, and got out of bed. I followed her to wherever we were going.


"YO! Daddy's litte girl!" A boy, about 16, shrieked. Me and Carrie were sitting at a table in the corner, and people joked as they waled past. Considering that everyone here had their own problems, they were particaully harsh on Carrie... surely there were many more embarressing cases than rape?

Carrie hid away under her palm, but my blood boiled again. "YO! Prick!" I shouted back, and we had caught everyone's attention in the small, white caffeteria. 

"Destery, you don't want to mess with Elliot." Carrie warned in a sharp hiss. I ignored her and stood up.

"Elliot. Don't mess with messed up minds. What's your problem? Ego too big to fit through any door?" I scoffed, the woods coming out through me. 

The Elliot kid made that 'woh-oh' sound, and walked towards me. Challenge accepted.

"The pretty little new girl, with the red cape and the black little curls. I heard you're crazy... satanic even. You much be a goth." He spat on me, and I just glared. He did not cross that very fine line.

"Look what I have here. A major case of JERK-SYNDROME. Yes," I started circling around him, becoming introduced to the fact that there is absolutely no security, "I know just how to deal with idiots like you." I prodded him in his chest, he was small considering his age.

"And wha-" He started, but was cut short by the sound of me penching him in the nose. The whole cafeteria sniggered or didn't know how to react. Elliot clasped is nose, and ran away, attempting to keep his dignity. Suddenly, I was crowded in cheers and congratulations. Everyone ran up to me, like earlier, and I could still see the adrenaline pumping through me. I just laughed hysterically, but could see Carrie shaking her head and looking dissapointed in me through the gap of the sea of people. Why was she upset? I got her revenge? 

My pride was destroyed by the sound of a mature, older voice calling my name from behind me.


I looked behind me.

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