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Since it's so hard to find images of these twins separate let's just say they're both Anthony lol enjoy.

Chapter 1•

"Anthony come on wak- oh good morning!" Sarah's cheerful voice rings in my ears. I give her a half assed smile as I prepare my sandwiches and drinks for the day.

"Here I'll help you. Why are you up so early?" She starts organizing my food neatly in my cooler. "You're never up this early." She giggles.

Ahh curse her and her morning person personality.

"I've got a job at 9 and it's going to take me 4 hours to get there." I explain while packing the last of my food.

"Oh I see! No wonder! When you get back want to come with me to visit Jude? We've been talking on the phone and he wants to see us."

I shake my head. "I'd like to but my only free day is this Thursday." She pouts. I also don't want to face him after that breakdown I had a few days ago. I can't believe that was me. I wasn't myself.

"We're not poor so take a break from working all the damn time! I swear if I ever do what you do I'd kill myself. How do you do it?" She whines.

I laugh at her dramatic declaration. "It's a gift."

I check the clock up against the wall. It's about time I go. I yawn and grab my cup of coffee, taking a few gulps of it.

"You guys are so noisy." Logan walks into the kitchen while stretching out his muscles. I smirk and give him my cup of coffee.

"Thanks bro." He takes a sip and grimaces. "Why do you still take it plain? It's gross." He grabs the sugar and goes to town. He really loves sweet coffee.

Other than our appearances, we're complete opposites. He's a lazy bum that likes to party and travel. I'd go crazy if I'm not doing anything and I hate parties because they hurt my everything. And even though I travel a lot I hate it.

"Hey wanna go for a run? We haven't done that in a while." Logan suggests. He also loves to run in his wolf form. He likes it most when he's doing it with me.

"Not today sorry Logan. I have a job I have to leave for right now."

"You know you don't have to take on so many. Relax and come with me to the club! There's so many sexy mamas out there. You need to enjoy your youth."

"We're already adults Logan. We have responsibilities. Mine are my jobs."

He groans. "Whatever I'm going for a run. I'll see you when I see you." He walks out to the patio and starts stripping. I sigh and close the cooler.

"He's right you know. You are young. You haven't enjoyed your youth like you should. You've been doing these jobs since you were old enough to go on them."

It's all I know how to do.

"Yeah well it brings in money. I'm going now. I'll see you soon." I grab the cooler and walk towards the front door.

I catch Sarah frowning, "alright take care. Get back safe and sound."

I'm making my way out of the door but as I open it, I collide with a body and that scares me to death. I step back and lower the cooler. I expected Aiden or even Peshal but instead it's someone who isn't supposed to be here.


"Yo... the alpha is in his office. Come on in." I step to the side to let Cedric in.

"Where are you going?" His deep voice makes me shiver and I hope to the goddess that it didn't show.

"On a job." Not wanting to keep this conversation going I pass him and walk over to my car.

For some reason he follows me.

I place the cooler in the backseat. "What do you want Cedric."

"We need to talk."

"And what do you want to talk about?"

"About us. What's going to happen."

"I'll tell you what's not going to happen." I look him in the eyes, "I'm not going to do what you made Jude do. Deal with your curse how you've been dealing with it all these years and leave me out of it. Fuck whoever you want, it won't hurt me. Leave me out of your life and I'll do the same."

"You know that we can't do that. We are mates whether we like it or not."

"You hate me Cedric." He doesn't say anything because it's true. "And you know that I hate you just as much. We don't want this so let's not force it."

"What happened to your first mate?"

My heart skips a dangerous beat at that sudden question. Memories I don't want to think about resurface and I'm forced to hide my emotions. "What do you mean?"

"Only people that have lost their first mates become mates with each other. So what happened?"

"I don't think it's any of your business. I've got to go." I walk over to the drivers seat but he stops me from opening my door.

"What happened."

"Leave it alone Cedric." My voice goes dangerously low. So much that he hesitates.

"We're not done talking."

"If you want to talk. I'm available Thursday." I open the car door and he lets me take a seat.

"Why just Thursday?"

"I've got work." I shut the door and turn on the car. I reverse and start driving away.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Wait you're my mate... why are you? What are you! Stop!"

I had to do it. It was my job. I couldn't abandon it. After that happened my wolf had cut ties with me completely. He hasn't talked to me in years. I can transform into my wolf form but my wolf isn't there to guide me. Not anymore.

He has completely abandoned me. And he had all the right to.

Ive never known anyone who has killed their mates and still lived. That doesn't happen. Werewolves don't kill their mates. I didn't know why I didn't die with him and I still don't know.

I wish I had.

But enough of that. Stop thinking about those things. Focus. You have a job to do.


First chapter is Anthony!! How'd you guys like it???

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