Chapter 1 - Planes, summer in December and dropbears.

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Julia stared at the plane's bathroom. She stared at it, this tiny box in a plane, and then stared sideways at Beth. 

Seriously. This was what they expected a pregnant girl to use?

"Everything okay, Miss?" One of the air hostesses, or attendants, or whatever they called themselves came over.

"I don't think I'll fit."

Okay. She was only twenty weeks along.  Five months. Just over halfway and not even as big as she'd get. Julia ran a hand over her stomach and felt a strange sense of clastraphobia. She'd briefly entertained the idea of dragging Oliver in here to deal with her 'symptom'. Now she wasn't even keen to go in on her own, led alone let him come in with her. Maybe Julia was spoiled but somehow she wished she'd gotten into first class with Oliver. How rude! The Alpha and Beta getting first class while the rest of the Pack sat in cattle class. 

"We have to take off, Miss, but I'm sure you'd fit." The hostess said gently. "Can I see your ticket?"

Okay, so they hadn't taken off yet. They were in LA and on the plane to Melbourne. Luckily there'd been time to sit but then Julia's bladder screamed. It wasn't something she could help. She'd headed for the first toilet she found.   

She stared at the bathroom again.

Oliver rescued her. He came up and took Julia's ticket out of her bag. "She's first class. Her father was sitting there but he requested a swap."


"We wanted to be sure you were taken care of with your pregnancy." Her dad was shifting down. "That all right, um, Sue?"

The Hostess, Sue or something, nodded. "That's okay. The bathroom in first class is a little bigger too. Please hurry and we'll take off."

Julia followed Oliver, glancing at her Dad who shrugged, and then Beth who smiled weakly. Yasmine was staying with her though. She wasn't really keen to pass up this chance if her dad insisted.

Like the hostess said, first class was bigger, shiny, fresh flowers, marble, and was that a shower? She gawked at it for a good two minutes before she remembered why she'd come in here to begin with.  Planes were awesome these days.

Julia found herself sitting next to Oliver in some kind of 'private suite', seriously, completely with closing doors. He grinned at her.


"It's kind of awesome." She stared at it. Prodded the mini bar. "Do you pay for this?"

"Everything here's free for you to use. You can also get food and drink at any time, which was why your father wanted you here, so make sure you monitor your blood sugar levels." He was taking on that 'father tone' again, the concern bleeding through his own awe, and she resisted the urge to roll her eyes at him.

"If I can eat any time I will." Julia promised him. Of course she would. She was hungry and pregnant.  She flinched as the plane started to move, grabbing the seatbelt and putting it around herself, finding it barely did up. 

The flight was incredible. Okay, not comfortable, not even in first class, but incredible. And Julia found herself landing in Dubai. No one said anything about that. Oliver sat around, looking tired, but suddenly she was full of life. She was in Arabia! Um. The middle east? How cool was this? She showered, making Beth stand guard, as Oliver convinced them to let Beth stay with them in the 'first class longue'. They probably only did it because of Julia's 'condition'- she needed her friend while Oliver went back and forward. 

Oliver went to sit with the Pack in the airport itself, for a while, but David sent him back to watch over the girls. It was kind of amusing to watch them, sitting one second, eating the next, then gawking out the window. They'd had to get this stopover, the second since they'd had to swap planes at LA, but now he wasn't so upset about it. Not with Julia's enthusiasm. He changed into a suit though. It seemed to match first class more, and when he bought Julia something 'fancy', instead of getting beaten up she vanished into the shower for a second time since they'd come here.

Julia's baby, Bk 2 - Oh, Mama.Where stories live. Discover now