Chapter 18 - Unknown problems

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Despite following her father around, sort of, Julia didn't overhear anything interesting. No news. Nothing to give away what was wrong. Levi didn't tell her anything else, either because he hadn't heard more, or because he'd been ordered to shut up.

Julia suspected he'd been told to shut up. He'd had to go talk to Oliver for a few minutes and then had come back and been ghosting her for the rest of the day. This, luckily, meant she had some assistance with the babies.

But as the day went on, and as people went quiet long before she 'accidentally' walked in on them, Julia was really starting to see that there was a vast difference between her level of hearing and the level of hearing amongst the changed werewolves. She was practically the only person on the island who wasn't changed. They could always hear her coming so she couldn't exactly be stealthy with them or eavesdrop.

Beth wasn't answering her phone either.

By the end of the day, which was more or less revolving around the twins, Julia was frustrated and a little bored. Not with the twins- but her attempts at getting answers wasn't working, and she'd ended up sitting here for hours not knowing what to do with herself. She'd managed to get a nap, thankfully, a sweet one hour nap.

She'd woken to the smell of dinner, the siren call of twin babies, and a completely empty house. Just her and Levi. No one was around now. Once she'd again helped her babies out Julia watched the two of them cuddle up to each other and tried to call Beth again.

Julia lowered her phone and tried Beth again, before staring back at Levi, as he came around the corner of the nursery with something smelling faintly like garlic, frustrated by the lack of information. This was not cool. And where was Oliver?

“What's going on?”

Levi just shook his head. He looked kind of regretful. “Dinner.”

“Levi, that's not-” She got a piece of garlic bread stuffed into her mouth as he sat down beside her. He gazed down at her babies, both happy, and then lifted her up and carried her into their bedroom. Their bedroom? Woah, that was also going to take some getting used to.  Did he just use garlic bread to shut her up?

He crawled onto the bed beside her, flopping onto his side, and tugged the tray of food between them. Two bowls of spagetti, one bowl of some kind of salad, garlic bread and drinks. Levi glanced back, ears on the nursery, even as he ate.


Julia suddenly got what he was doing and why the cane was rejected right now.

"You're g-"

"Garden salad is nice, yes." He'd stuffed another piece of garlic bread in her mouth, shaking his head slightly, but then he nodded. "I figured out home made salad dressing is nicer."

She made a face at him and ignored him as he leaned over to kiss the side of her neck, maybe trying to seduce her to distract her, but it was only working a little bit. Julia squirmed and resisted the urge to tip one of the bowls of spagetti over his head. Or maybe his garden salad that he liked so much. Julia yanked over the laptop and typed in the notepad thing, 'WHAT GOING ON !!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111'

He laughed at that. Julia crossed her arms as he corrected her typing to 'What is going on, Levi? Hot thing?' and then answerd with, 'Nothing, why? Shhh.'

"You have too much ego." She muttered, ignoring the way his hand crept around her waist, ignored the slightly distracting sense of wanting to makeout with him for hours again.  Julia typed instead, 'Is he in danger'

She meant Oliver. Levi's smile faded somewhat and Julia's heart sank. So this was serious. The more his smile faded the more Julia felt like freaking out, or chasing down Oliver, or ...she wasn't sure, she just didn't like the idea of him going into a dangerous situation without her. Okay, she knew he was Alpha, she knew it was his job.

Julia's baby, Bk 2 - Oh, Mama.Where stories live. Discover now