Chapter 10 - The problem with new Pack...

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"Let me in."

"Not by the hair of my skinny skin skin." Julia hissed. Kept her hand on the door, foot blocking it as it stayed open just a few inches, ignoring Amanda's attempts to push it open. "Gonna huff and puff now?"

"Fuck you. It's urgent. Get Oliver."

"Screw you." The shiny star on the christmas tree was starting to look pretty useful right now. "You always flirt with-"

"Yes, I do, and I always did." Amanda snapped. She glared at Julia. "And I still don't believe they're his. Somehow you've duped him. But that's not the point. There's a bigger problem. A Pack problem, though you're clearly too immature to care about your Pack, and it can't wait. Oliver needs to come outside. Alone."

"It's Christmas. Come back another time."

An arm crossed over Julia's shoulder, tugging her back against him, Oliver's 'sleep smell' washing over her. He was giving Amanda such an openly dislikeful expression that some part of Julia's anger faded. 

"You think I'm not able to tell when I'm being duped?"


"What's the problem." He yawned, wrapping both his arms around Julia, and kept the door only half open. Now it was his foot keeping it from opening more than a few inches, and not Julia's foot. "Bad time of day for Pack business."

"Yeah, well, you'll have to deal with it. David's coming soon. Do it now or while you're opening presents."


"If you left your phone on-"

"I told you. It says off between ten at night and six in the morning." He was gently pulling Julia backwards though. He had told her and David to come get him if something was wrong. Oliver kissed the top of Julia's head, as her fists clenched. "Right. We'll talk outside."

"No, you won't. Without me." Julia snapped. She glared at Amanda. She didn't trust her. Okay. She hadn't trusted Yasmine either but that was different- she knew something was weird about Yasmine and she was right, wasn't she? Even if she was wrong about her being an evil blood sucking Oliver stealing bitch she had been pretending to be a human and lying to everyone. The only reason Julia let her get away with it was because she wasn't such a bad person when she stopped lying. Also she was kind of cute with Yasmine. 

"You can't join in the meetings yet, Julia. You know that. It's exactly the same as it was with Marianne." Oliver squeezed her gently and then let her go, before heading outside behind Amanda, ignoring the cool morning air on his skin. No one else was up yet. He slid into Amanda's car. "What's wrong?"

Levi came up behind Julia, his turn to snuggle her back as she tried to go outside, and she glared at the car.

Just for a second. There was a shot, and then she was shoved down, and another shot. The sense of being jabbed with something really hot and painful, a poker, had she fallen into a coat hanger in the wall? Somehow the sound was worse than the pain. It was so loud, it seemed to crack the early morning open, this violent sound that made no sense when she could smell pine leaves in her nostrils and see the sparkle of a Christmas tree. Then a car screeching.  The pretty stained glass thing in the door was totally blown out, it was all around them, and she felt kind of sad about that. It had been this nice bird on a branch design with the sun behind it.


She was aware of Levi's heart, racing against her ear, his body pressing her against the wall and his breathing fast. Really fast actually. But not strong. It was like he was kind of struggling, like when they'd hurt his leg, and he didn't seem to be able to let go of her. 

Julia's baby, Bk 2 - Oh, Mama.Where stories live. Discover now