Chapter 5 - Complications

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That was not a good word. Not right now. Julia tried to see what it was that was wrong with the babies. Was one missing a leg, or an arm, or...

"I needed to make sure that they weren't conjoined before I told you. Thankfully, I don't think they are, though they're pretty close to each other. But they are in the same sac."

"Sac? Isn' that normal?"

"Not really, no." Dr. Kelly shook her head. "There's going to be some issues. As you can see here-" She was pointing at something. It looked like a big mass of red and blue. "-their cords are already knotted around each others. You're not going to be giving birth to them."

Julia should have felt relieved. She didn't. She felt kind of freaked out actually. "What then?"

"Are you close to the hospital?" 

Julia's mother spoke up then. Her face was a bit paler than usual. "I live near the hospital. Just a ten minute drive away. Julia lives on an Island close to Tasmania."

"It's probably better you stay with your mother then. Julia- the problem with this condition is that they're at risk for other things. They look to be at the same devolopment level but it's possible that one twin may recieve more blood than the other. That one or both cords may get compressed, cutting off the blood."

Cutting off the blood. Julia's head spun then, and Beth's hand grabbed for her. That wasn't good. Babies needed blood. 


Dr. Kelly sighed. "So there is the slight possibility that one, or both of the twins, may suffer or you may loose one. Julia, I highly recommend you stay close to the hospital. The changes in the cords can be monitored at regular times, I'll be personally watching over your pregnancy and getting assistance from the Royal women's hospital. I'll need to get a perinatologist on the case- a doctor who specializes in high risk-pregnancies. That isn't all though."

The words kind of clouded around Julia's head, swimming there, nothing really willingly latching onto anything. She stared at her mom, who sat there quiet, her face white. Beth wasn't looking happy either. Oh god. Was this really that bad? 

"The other problem, Julia, and this is just as serious- is that you've already one centermetre dialated and I need you to go onto immediate bed rest. I'd normally recommend you stay in hospital from this point on, but I think you may be safe to stay at your mother's home with the closeness to the hospital. From now on though, you'll need to stay in bed. I'm going to give you an injection to make sure your body doesn't continue. Have you felt any contractions?"

Julia realised she'd been asked a question at the end of another long 'hit you over the head with reality' dose. She shook her head, trying to clear it of the fear, and tried to answer. "Um. No. I ...don't think so."

"You probably haven't then. Sometimes it happens. Medication and bed rest until our next appointment, and I'll need to see you once a week. You can still  go to the bathroom. Shower once a day. Stay in bed- one hour of a day, you can leave it, as long as you stay calm, don't go up or down stairs, don't rush around, don't lift anything. No sex."

"She'll stay with me." Her mom spoke up. "I have a spare room." 

"Good. You okay, Julia?"

Julia shook her head. She felt kind of shocked. She shut her eyes, Beth leaning over to hug her. 

"The important thing to remember is that this can happen and that women still give birth to healthy babies. Your babies are the right weight right now, they aren't suffering, and both girls are going to be fine." Dr. Kelly grasped Julia's other hand and squeezed it. "One more week, and they have a chance to survive if born early. Every week you buy them, with this medication and bed rest, is more strength for them. Just focus on that. Relax, enjoy time in bed, and remember that you're going to be a mother soon. Do you have any questions? Okay. Good."

Julia's baby, Bk 2 - Oh, Mama.Where stories live. Discover now