Chapter 20 - Trying to relax

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The problem with trying to go to sleep was that she was a mama and she woke to the sound of her babies crying barely minutes later. Julia groaned, zombie, her head starting to pound from lack of sleep. Why had they thought a night of endless sex was a good idea? Because it wasn't. It had been a terrible idea. Oliver should have dragged her out of the room the second they'd done it once so she could get some sleep.

Oliver tugged her down now, his arms capturing her, and she squirmed against him as she tried to find the willpower to get up.

"Levi. Babies. Breastmilk. Fridge." He muttered, sleepy, and when she continued to squirm, a leg closed around her legs and she was pinned against him. "Shh."

Julia finally opened one eye and saw the crib was gone. When had it gone? She muttered, "Where's my babies?" as she fought against her own panic.

"Levi took them back into the nursery. He's watching the house and caring for the babies tonight, you're tired, you're stressed, and you need energy. Shut up and go to sleep. We're on day shift."

Julia wanted to argue about this but she was too tired. If Levi wanted to care for twins all night then she was too tired to argue. She fell asleep again, as Oliver's warm body relaxed around her, his leg and arms releasing her a little. 

She woke, aware that eyes were on her, a hand brushing against her face and hair. Oliver was still there, somehow she knew that, but she felt Levi on her other side now, his body pressed into her back and his forehead pressed into her back as he slept.

Julia opened one eye to see Oliver gazing at her. He smiled a small smile, leaning over to kiss her gently, the warm sunlight across the bed. That must have been why Levi's head was pressed into her back. It made Oliver look incredible though, the sunlight picking up his golden hair, his tanned skin, even the bruises and white bandages not destroying the image.

"Morning." She whispered.

"Morning, love." He leaned over to kiss her, ignoring Levi's grunt and shove at Oliver's face. "We better get up and let Levi sleep."

"I'm holding onto this one." Levi growled softly, a hand closing around Julia. 

"Only if you want the twins in here all day. Crying." Oliver laughed softly, sliding up with a wince and going to close the curtains. The warm sunlight was cut out of the room. 

"Okay. See you later, Julia." She felt his lips brush the back of her shoulder before Julia was let go of.

She got up slowly, reaching up to touch her aching neck, while Oliver came over to tilt Julia's head up and check. He sighed and tugged her out of the room and into the kitchen, hand in hers, and she saw her dad was sitting at the table looking exhausted too.


"Oliver. Ah, it looks worse than I expected." Her dad got up to check Julia's neck too. "I'm not sure why he did that though. He wasn't after Julia."

"I don't know either." Oliver muttered. He let go of Julia's hand and she saw him get an icepack. As if the babies knew she was awake, she heard them start up, but at least she'd gotten some sleep. Julia yawned.

"Save it for later. I need to feed them before I explode all over the place." Her chest was not impressed. Julia had to keep it up or it'd stop making milk. That was probably the last night for a long time where she'd get five hours straight sleep. 

She changed the twins, Oliver coming in to help, yawning as she did and wishing straight away she hadn't inhaled all that smell. Oh man. They did some pretty amazing things in their nappies. She really wasn't sure how they did it when they were so tiny. Julia held in other yawns, trying to get them clean as fast as she could, and then Oliver helped her get them into the feeding position.

Julia's baby, Bk 2 - Oh, Mama.Where stories live. Discover now