Chapter 19 - The first nasty reminder about werewolves

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Julia woke to the sound of growls, the shrill cry of her babies, and two furry bodies pressed up on either side of her. Not skin. Actual furry bodies, muscles tense, the smell and feel of rough fur pressed up against her. One was over her, the other backed up against her, and she couldn't move.

It was the first time she'd been so close to a werewolf in wolf form and some part of her really didn't like it much. They smelt musky and strange, the fur wasn't soft and snuggly, the fur was rough, scratching, the claws heavy and digging into her arms and legs as they held them down.  

Her instincts just SCREAMED. Because, no matter what they were, she knew deep down that she had a bigass wild animal on top of her, his teeth bared, and there was something in the room that she couldn't see. The big wolf wouldn't let her. She was too panicked to know if it was Levi or Oliver over her. Was it? Maybe it wasn't. She didn't know. She just heard the wail of her babies and the growl of the wolves and ...

Her babies. Their crying made her struggle, wrestle, try to throw the wolf off her. It held her down so easily. 

Something grabbed at her ankles, and for a moment she was sure it was teeth. Julia's fear exploding in a soft scream that sounded more like a squeak. It was hands, and the wolf pinning her down went for whoever it was. A scream, a curse, and when the wolf returned to guard her, there was something dripping.  Wet. Warm. Smelt metallic. 

It was Oliver, she realised, Oliver trying to grab her ankles. Levi was somewhere else. Julia couldn't see him. Who was over her? Guarding her? 

She tried to throw them off, only for teeth to close around her neck, the sharp disgusting smell washing over her till the teeth started to sink into her throat. Oliver's voice, like it was miles away, begging her to stay still. She was sure she felt the skin break, though she wasn't sure, sure that the teeth were tearing into her. 

Oh god. What was going on? She didn't know. 

"Stop moving, Julia. Whatever happens, Julia. You submit to the Alpha." 

Was that Oliver? She wasn't sure. It had been an order and she couldn't refuse it. She stopped struggling. The teeth softened but there was a lot of pain left behind. She felt it, her body submitting against her will, her entire body shaking with fear. This wasn't cool.

The wolf turned. She felt it twist, felt a paw sink painfully into her skin, as it stood over her. 

"I know. Fight. Not here."

Just a low growl. 

"Outside. Ten minutes." Oliver's voice was cutting through the growl. She saw him, for a second, saw the flash of white skin. Naked? "Get off Julia. Ten minutes."

Ten minutes? But it worked. The wolf was gone. She felt the cold air suddenly hit her, felt the bed sag as Oliver grabbed her and dragged her off into him, her legs shaking so hard they weren't holding her up. Julia was tough. Even she had issues with wolves though. She felt his hands touching her neck, stroking, checking.

Levi. Where was he? She tried to look, the movement sending stabbing agony throughout her neck, but she saw Levi in front of the crib. With a gun. He looked as white and shaken as she felt. Oliver had to stand her against the wall when her legs refused to hold her up.

"It's all right. Julia, look at me." 

She caught Oliver's eyes, as he backed her up against the wall beside the crib, and Julia sunk down. He knelt in front of her, stroking her face, kissing her forehead. "Julia, you need to keep it together now."


"The first challenger." He growled softly, shut his eyes, pulling her close. "Alone. We noticed him earlier. Not my Uncle but- Levi, you stay with her."

Julia's baby, Bk 2 - Oh, Mama.Where stories live. Discover now