Chapter 17 - Breaking up cures and the curse of the boobs.

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Sometimes Julia wished she'd been born a fairy or something. She wasn't even sure if they existed but there were times when being a werewolf seemed totally barbaric and stupid.

Right now was one of those times. Because, even though Julia knew the two were fighting, Beth didn't seem at all worried. She sat in Julia's room with her, doing her distance education work, legs swinging backwards and forwards like it was any other day.

“They could be fighting to the death and it doesn't bother you?”

“Well, um.” Beth hesitated. “I mean, some part of me hates it. But after the change starts, you just … we like it. Competition. It's hard to explain without it sounding really weird, I know, but I like to compete now. In speed. I like to race people. I like to be the best in the class. I just like competition. It's kind of fun.”

That was really weird. Beth usually didn't bother with competition. Hell, Julia had to force her to make the revenge thing happen against Oliver months ago.

“But he could kill Levi. Your brother.”

That did get more of a reaction from Beth. She frowned and glanced up from the work she'd been doing. “I don't think... I mean, I suppose it happens sometimes, but...”

“I should stop them.”

“You can't go near them. The closer you are, the worse they'll fight.” Beth grabbed her leg.

“So the further I am, the less it'd be?”

“It could be, but this is probably as far as you get.”

“Unless I go fishing or something.” Julia's eyes went out her bedroom window to the pier a short distance away. Where the big fishing boat was bobbing up and down.

“With babies? You know that's not going to work.”

Julia sighed. Beth was right. She could have, if she didn't have the twins, but she didn't know how to run a boat.

“Where's your dad? I thought his boat came in.” She asked softer.

“They took it to Hobart yesterday to get it maintained. He and Mom are coming back tomorrow, the boat'll be there for about a month.” Beth didn't seem at all worried that her parents weren't around. That was another funny thing about the werewolves. They seemed to adopt each other. Kids could happily stay with aunts and uncles for a few days without concern. “Amanda's been here sometimes.”

Julia scowled. “Really?”

“Yeah. She went back to the mainland yesterday. I guess she heard you were coming. She seems kind of paranoid about you now. I don't know why. You'd think she'd think you shot everyone but you clearly couldn't have. It's really weird.” She shrugged. “It's like she's afraid of you.”

“So she should be.' Julia muttered. She crawled onto her side and lay there as Beth worked. The cry of twins ruined her idea of relaxing though, and it made her boobs ache, so she got up and went to do that. Her mom was quick to follow- somehow, Julia just didn't want her dad in the same room while she breast fed. Strangers, sure, but her dad? It was a bit too creepy.

Oliver had put a sofa in the room, a nice snuggly one, and she settled down while her mom helped her get each baby 'on the breast' when they were sure it was that and not something smellier. She knew that'd happen too, probably sooner than she'd like.

Beth followed her in and lifted the laptop onto the floor, her eyes staring at Julia's breastfeeding .”Woah. That is so weird.”

“It feels really weird too.” Julia muttered, trying to help her babies 'attach', which took a few minutes and some soft whimpering cries that kept breaking her heart. It didn't help that she could sense that her mates were in conflict, were injured, it didn't help her anxiety. She was a bit impatient with the babies. But finally they were feeding and calming down. The smelly nappy happened not long after she'd gotten them feeding. Julia sighed.

Julia's baby, Bk 2 - Oh, Mama.Where stories live. Discover now