Chapter 22 - Submitting? Not when you challenged them earlier...

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To say that she was beaten up then was like saying that the wind blew sometimes. Julia did submit, she hoped, but this apparently wasn't good enough. Fists, feet, she was even pissed on, humiliated and knocked over. It was like she was being shoved to the bottom of the Pack by the person who'd taken it over. Some of them were soft, the kicks, she knew that not everyone in the Pack wanted to do this to her. They'd all been brought here, Julia had been dragged down the hill to the beach, and most of them couldn't even look at her in the face.

They'd submitted. Every single one of them. And now they had to beat her up. 

Problem was, this Alpha had brought in another half dozen members, and they seemed to make up for what others couldn't bring themselves to do. Julia had never been treated like this before, never been beaten, even her father didn't hit her. She was sure there were times when he'd have liked to, when she was younger, but he'd always had enough control to not do it.

To add to it, the humiliation and agony of being beaten and pissed on, they took photos. She saw the flash, sometimes, when she was curled up. Sometimes she passed out. No actual rape, for some reason, even though she'd half expected this, even tried to mentally prepared herself for it. Julia wasn't sure how anyone could mentally prepare for it, exactly, but she'd done her best. Thought it was about to happen when they stripped her clothing off her, the beating going straight to bare skin, but then they turned a hose on her. It cut into her, the freezing cold water,  hitting places in her chest that burnt and throbbed and stabbed, open wounds, her hot skin and into her mouth, like they were just having a great time. Julia wasn't sure how long they did it for- she lay there shaking, teeth chattering, coming in and out of conciousness. 

She was left then, the Pack going, including the members of her Pack. Just left her lying there naked. She was shackled up, Julia found, hands and legs tied up on the island, just abandoned. She saw the flicker of flames, saw the homestead and cottage set on fire, and couldn't move. The boat leave. They, what, beat her up and abandoned her near the beach?

Not exactly.

The Alpha came for her then. Amanda behind him.

She wasn't sure who he was. Julia could barely see, her eyes were swelling up, but she was lifted up like she weighed nothing. Hadn't he and Oliver fought? He didn't have a scratch on him.

“You sure you want me to do it? She stinks.”

“I order you to. Then leave her. Burn the pier. Explosives will destroy the runway in ten minutes. She can rot on the island for all I care. A week, a month, for the rest of her life. Which ever comes first.” Amanda said, shrugging. “Let the birds eat the corpses. This island is to be isolated. No one comes here. No one leaves here.”

What? Wait, why was Amanda covered in-

Julia got it pretty fast. It hadn't been this guy. It'd been Amanda. Amanda had won. That wasn't a good start to her reputation with the Alpha, that was for sure. What about her mother? Her father? Where were they?

She saw Amanda turn without glancing back, the man dropping her onto the ground, the shackles making her arms twist behind her back awkwardly. He didn't seem too pleased. He glanced back, as Amanda got onto the boat, and then sighed as she turned around.

Julia got it, when he started to undo his belt, and she suddenly realised nothing could prepare her for this. Seriously. This was fucking wrong. Sick.

“Coward.” She hissed, as he knelt, his hands shoving her knees apart. As he reached for his button and zippier, tugging them down, Julia's stomach crawling. She could barely see him, her face was covered in blood, one eye sealed shut by it.

Julia's baby, Bk 2 - Oh, Mama.Where stories live. Discover now