Chapter 13 - This was never how she expected birth to be...

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“I swear. Julia. You're not a dull patient.” Dr. Kelly laughed softly at Julia. “Something's always going on with your pregnancy.”

Two days, two days of medication and injections and then they were okay again. Labor stopped. Amniotic sac not ruptured. Two days and she was fine again. Sort of. It was starting to tire Julia out a bit, all these 'near-birth' things, and being in the hospital wasn't helping. She'd more or less spent the past five days since that sitting here.

Writing letters to Oliver, Levi and emailing Beth.

Julia wasn't even allowed to visit Oliver or Levi. Her mom did for her. They'd started to exchange letters between wards, which started the nurses up all over again about Julia's love triangle and the love letters flying around the wards, but they were mostly silly things. Short sentances. Jokes. Sketches. Levi kept drawing her cute little drawings and Oliver kept coming up with silly jokes. Yesterday they'd all played hangman with her Beth's mom acting as the 'judge' and going between them. Apparnetly Oliver had been more or less in and out of sleep during that time so it didn't work well. The drugs were making both Levi and Oliver pretty silly though.

And sometimes the nurses were right.

Today, both Oliver and Levi had written her little love notes. Nothing long or spectacular.

'Love you julia', Oliver had scrawled.

Levi had drawn a heart instead with her name in it.

She had all the little notes in the box beside her, folded so carefully, weighed down with the moonstone that Oliver had bought and Levi had given her. This entire 'love triangle' thing was totally confusing and she was afraid one of them would get hurt. Really afraid. So she didn't respond to the romantic things. Julia wasn't sure how to handle it anymore.

Her mom and Beth's mom didn't say much about how they were going. Except that they were still both 'critical' and intensive. And sometimes the writing wasn't in their handwriting. Sometimes it was in her mom's writing or in Beth mom's handwriting.

Dr. Kelly was checking the twins again in one of those blood things, watching the blood into the twins, and a slight frown was on her face.

“Is it bad?”

“They are starting to get a bit pressured now. Thirty weeks isn't bad. I wanted two more weeks but you bought them another week, which is good, and the shots should help their lungs.” Dr. Kelly glanced at it as she slid it around. “We knew it'd be early. I suppose it's lucky it wasn't earlier than this after you got shot.”


“I'll schedule it for tomorrow morning.”

Woah. She was giving birth tomorrow? Well, okay, she was getting cut open like a melon and they were going to be lifted out. Julia stared at Dr. Kelly. It was seriously happening. Seriously. Right now.

Well, tomorrow.

“I'll tell you what time after I schedule it. Tonight, try and get some rest, have a shower, and see if you can get your mom or your friend to sit with you tomorrow.”

“I have to tell Oliver.”

Dr. Kelly nodded as she offered Julia the towel.

“All right. You should be able to see him before. I'll get that happening too.”


Beth didn't pick up. Neither did Julia's dad, who was with Beth on the island, and Julia suspected they might be trying to avoid her questions. She wanted to ask Beth about it. About who she was given to, for a pack mother, and what it was like, and how it'd happened and...

Julia's baby, Bk 2 - Oh, Mama.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant