Chapter 13: Number four, He's very persuasive.

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"I know." The way he looked at me... I didn't want him to look at me like that. Like I was so weak and fragile. "A nightmare," he whispered. "More like a flashback," I muttered.

Even though it was midnight I decided to have a cold shower to bring my fever down. I had been in the bathroom for long yet I still sat on the closed toilet seat in my now wet towel. Knock. Knock. "I'll be out in a minute," I answered Blake's unspoken question. My body was so drained and my voice was low. I put on a track pants, tank top, hoodie and my glasses. I was not ready for this. I walked out of the bathroom and Blake wrapped his arms around me. At first I was afraid but then I held him back. He said he knew, but did he? I closed my eyes embracing the feeling of his hug. I felt safe. When we let go I could still feel a connection and without thinking I kissed him. He kissed me back. Gentle and not greedy like the previous kisses we shared. Our kiss was so bare that it brought all emotions to the surface. I stepped back and bit my lip. I was scared and nervous to look at him. He tilted my head up and tug at my lip making me release it. Then he smiled at me. I found the situations so bizarre that I laughed and hugged him. "You should get some sleep," Blake whisphered into my hair. "I don't think I can," I mumble my reply. He held me tighter. "Come with me," he gently spoke and let go. We went into his room and I got into bed. Recently the weather was much  warm. Blake stood at the foot of the bed and pulled his shirt off. "Hold on there big guy this was not what I signed for." I blushed as I pointed to his naked chest. "Well wouldn't you like to find out how big this guy is." We both laughed. "You're so full of yourself now shut up and get in bed." He crawled in curling up next to me. We faced each another but didn't touch. I had this urge to reach out and feel if this was real, to sit up and look around to see if I was really in Blake's room going against his one and only rule. Now that I think about it Blake hasn't brought girls back here at all, and he invited me to embrace his company. "What are you thinking about?" He questioned. "Our rules... I wasn't suppose to be in this room." He signed. "I didn't know you so well then. Now I'm more comfortable with you. I've never let a girl in here before unless we did it but you're... You're something different Lexi." I blushed. "We need to sleep." I took out my glasses and he draped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. "Good night, sugar." I smiled as I held him and closed my eyes yet clearly aware that I was touching his bare skin.

That might just have been the best sleep I have ever had. I was awake but I kept my eyes closed and held Blake. I have never felt so safe. He fidgeted but I still pretended to be asleep grasping at every second to feel this safety. "I know you're awake," he whispered into my messy bed hair. I groaned as my hands left his body and I turned away. "I don't want to get up now," I muttered. I could see him smirking even though my eyes were still closed. I knew Blake that well now. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him so close that my whole back was against his chest. "Okay, sleep." I placed my hands on top of his and stayed still. "Why would you do this?" I asked. "Hmm... What?"

"Be here for me. Most of the time all I do is judge you, make comments about the girls you're with and I'm sorry that this is probably going to offend you the most but, I will never trust a guy like you." He still held me. "I am not offended because you do that to everyone. Judge. I'm not sure what happened in your past but I don't think you can truely trust anyone. I know it's nothing personal." I turned around to face him. "I..." I didn't know how to say it. "I think he would of raped me." Blake loosened his hold on me and slightly backed away so he could look at me. "What? Who?" He seemed a bit angry and like he was trying really hard to contain himself. I shook my head and replied, "My ex but he didn't I was just afraid he was going to and ever since then I've barely spoken to anyone and never use to let anyone touch me, but you... You made me feel different and it's a little easier to have fun with you but deep down I'm still scared... I'll always be scared." He looked at me in silence and I just stayed quiet letting him process everything. "I would never hurt you. I promise." I didn't bother about reading to much into it. I just hugged him and closed my eyes.

I woke up at ten o'clock alone in Blake's room. I made the bed and then went to have a bath. I wore black skinny jeans and a peach tank top with slops. My phone was ringing somewhere in my room and after searching for it I answered, "Hello."

"Hi!" Noah shouted on the other end of the call. "What are you doing today?"

"Nothing," I replied. "Good we're going shopping. I'll explain why when I come over. Be there in ten." I didn't even get to tell her bye before she cut the call. "That was weird," I spoke out aloud. "What?" Blake just came back from the store with a little bit of dorm room friendly food. "Nothing. Em, about the kiss..." We haven't spoken about that yet and I was really dreading this conversation but I had to say something. "Wait. Go out with Noah, and you have a date tonight." I arched my eyebrows at him. "With who Mr.Anderson?" He smirked as he replied, "The one and only." He gestured to himself. "Are you asking me or telling me?" He came closer to me. "Take it in whichever way you want. I can persuade  you." On que Noah showed up and we left. Number four, He's very persuasive.

"Your boyfriend is annoying!" Noah groaned while we waited for a cab. "He is not my boyfriend! What did he do?" I asked. "He woke me up at eight on a Saturday." I smirked at her. "You're just too lazy. Don't blame other people... I have something to tell you. " She nodded. "I'm listening." I was afraid of her reaction but I still told her, "I kissed him... and spent the night with him..." She paused, not moving, talking or looking at anything specific.

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