Fate at the Park

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It turned out, the trip was mandatory. Neither Dazai nor Chuuya knew what would occur, though. And neither knew that the day of the trip would be the oddest, yet best day of their lives.

The day of the trip, Chuuya dreaded going, but the teachers all agreed that if he didn't, he'd be dragged along with them either way. The shorty finally gave in with a sigh. It looked like he was going on this trip after all, whether he liked it or not. They decided to walk there as a class, seeing as how the park wasn't that far from their school.

Dazai couldn't wait for the trip. Who would be his next unsuspecting target? The day of the trip, Dazai was jumping out of bed and he was the first one at school, which was a surprise considering his usual routine was to get there as late as possible but still before class started, with a smirk on his face and some witty, hilarious comment ready on his lips. They had to take a bus to the park they were going to, since it was actually pretty far away.

Both schools now at the park, Dazai was stalking out the perfect place to set up a prank. This was going to be good. He'd brought rope, too, and planned his prank. He didn't care who stepped into it as long as it was one of his friends (Atsushi, Ranpo) or his teacher (Doppo-sensei). He threw the rope up into a tree and set up his simple, yet hilarious trap, not knowing who would actually fall for it, and hid elsewhere, waiting.










Bam! Someone had stepped into the circle and Dazai pulled the rope, dragging the other person up.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" was heard from Dazai's hiding spot. He could instantly tell that it wasn't anyone from his class or school.

A minute ago, Chuuya was walking around, bored. He decided to wander off when no teacher was looking...

...only to step into a trap.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" his immediate reaction came out as a scream, as he barely caught his falling hat.

Now neither had met the other before, so when Dazai stepped out and saw the short man with the hat, he... started laughing.

The other seemed completely pissed now, just as he quieted his voice, hoping that he wouldn't be found out. Chuuya spoke quieter, but still sounded irritated. "What the hell was that, you bastard?!"
Dazai's immediate reaction, completely ignoring the other's question, was "Oh man! How short are you?? Ahahahahahahaha!"

The orange haired man was either irritated or flustered... maybe both.

"Shut up! Stop laughing! And let me out of this!"

"Make me~☆" Dazai winked.

"Why you!!!!💢💢💢"

Dazai laughed as he let the other guy free... who ended up landing on his head and falling into his face... which made Dazai start laughing again.

Now Dazai is a charmer of all genders. Ladies and men alike. His home life wasn't so good, but he figured, why so serious? He is the prankster who seemed to not have alot of worries, never taking anything seriously... including the death threats the small delinquent was throwing at him.

Chuuya ended up taking his shoe off and hitting Dazai with it.

After the orange haired delinquent settled down enough to talk, (but he was still plenty angry, believe me) Dazai introduced himself. Dazai Osamu. 

Chuuya: "Hmph. The name's Nakahara Chuuya.. but you're an asshole, you know that..?"

Dazai just responds with, "I know~ and I love it!"

Chuuya facepalms.

In the end, Dazai ended up tricking Chuuya into giving him the smaller man's number while cleaning up his ropes and such, then ran off with a chuckle and an angry delinquent running after him.

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I'm at a complete loss!!!!!!!! I!!!!! Need!!!!! Ideas!!!!! Please!!!!!!

The Strange Way We Met (Soukoku) [NO ABILITIES!!] {BSD Collage AU}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя