Secret Spot

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With Dazai dragging Chuuya away to God-knows-where, the smaller boy was inclined to insult Dazai the whole way there, calling him a "f*cking stinky-*ss mackerel" and a "thousand year old mummy" and a "waste of bandages" for having momentarily stolen his hat.

Dazai, always the class clown, came back with his own taunt, insulting Chuuya's hat and overall fashion sense.

This would go on for a good half an hour until Dazai finally stopped dragging Chuuya along and said, "Okayyyyy, so I wanted to show you some place. You can keep a secret, riiiight~?" Dazai winks at Chuuya.

Chuuya stares at the boy in bandages incredulously, at that. "Why the f*ck would you ask me, a complete stranger, to keep a secret?"

"Beeeecause if I tell someone who has absolutely no reason to use the information against me, then I won't have to worry about it!" This itself was a bit odd to say, as Dazai wouldn't know that Chuuya had no reason to use this against him.

"What the hell makes you think I wouldn't take people here?" Chuuya asks, almost as if offended.

"Because I'm asking you nicely~" He says with a playful wink.

"You didn't- ... tch... whatever." Chuuya rolls his eyes before shaking his head in annoyance and sighing in exasperation.

"Alrighty, then! Let's gooo~!" Dazai began to lead Chuuya elsewhere now, but stealing his hat once more, causing Chuuya to run after him as Dazai ran off.

"Oi! Sh*tty mackerel! Give that back, damn it!!" The shorter one huffed exasperatedly as he caught up. Dazai only laughed, of course.

They walked together for a bit, Chuuya eventually managing to get his hat back when Dazai let his guard down for a moment.

When they reached the location, it was evening already.

It was a cave, but it overlooked a lake. And the setting sun glistened off of the lake at just the perfect angle for them to see the small disturbances in the water. The reflections of the sun moved with the ripples as if the were shiny creatures running back and forth on the surface of the water.

So Chuuya looked, and he was amazed into silence for a bit.

"Beautiful, ne?" Dazai's voice snapped him out of staring at the lake, "In fact, I'm even considering this place for a double suicide! It's so romantic!"

"Hah?" Chuuya tilted his head at Dazai, "You're joking right?"

"For once, no, I'm not." Dazai still smiled, yet the smile was more melancholy and distant than before, and the bandaged man sighed as he stared out at the water.

"Sheesh, man, I know the world is bleak and whatnot, but that doesn't mean you have to end it early." Chuuya tried to rationalize.

"But who knows?" Dazai continues as if Chuuya hadn't spoken, "If I do end up with someone, maybe double suicide might go to the end of my bucket list."

"... whatever." Chuuya stopped trying. Dazai was too confusing.

The bandage man just looks over with a small smile, now seemingly amused.

"What?" Chuuya catches Dazai's gaze.

"Oh, nothing~ just wondering how you can be so short~"

"Why you-" Chuuya pokes Dazai harshly in the ribs as Dazai laughs.

"Owww~ Chuu-chan's so meeaann~"

"Shut up, bastard-...!" Chuuya was definitely blushing a bit because of how Dazai's laugh sounded and how his smile looked. It softened Chuuya's glare just a bit.

"Chuu-chan's cuter that way, though~" Is this bastard flirting?

Chuuya stutters out some insult at that, giving some annoyed look, and yet, he doesn't leave. He's flustered and angry, but not enough to leave.

The view is too good. He tells himself.

Yeah, that's it. This view is too good to leave now.

Whether he was thinking about the sunset or Dazai.. was unclear.

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