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What the two did whilst eating ice cream... isn't really relevant. No licking of fingers happened because Dazai simply gave Chuuya a napkin to wipe the sticky, white liquid off of his fingers.

But toward the end of their little meet-up, Chuuya got a text from one of the Akutagawas. Specifically Ryuunosuke.

After reading the message, Chuuya noticed Dazai was suddenly really close as if reading the text over his shoulder.

When Chuuya turned his head suddenly towards Dazai to ask what he was doing, the most unrealistic, fanfic-like thing happened. Their lips momentarily brushed, causing Dazai to pull back a bit in a wide-eyed surprise.

Both were blushing, though Dazai was blushing a lot less than Chuuya.

It was almost as if someone else controlled their motions for that moment, as they simply made eye contact for a moment before the silence was broken by Chuuya whisper-yelling, "What the f*ck??" in confusion. 

Despite the surprise from almost being kissed, Dazai played it off with a taunt, "Whaaat~? Did Chuu-chan aaaactually wanna kiss me??" Then that smirk came back, causing Chuuya's anger to half-way return.

"No f*cking way. I might be bi, but we basically just met."

"So there might be a chance~?"

"I didn't- wh-... just-... shut up." Of course, it's not to say Dazai wasn't hot. He was plenty hot, Chuuya thought, but Chuuya himself wasn't the type to take love conffessions lightly.

Nevertheless, getting a rise from Chuuya caused Dazai to laugh a bit, which in turn caused Chuuya to be slightly less angry.

"Well, you probably don't want to, but-"

Dazai was about to go on, but Chuuya interrupted with a hot-headed, "Are you deaf, you fishy bastard? I didn't f*cking say no-..." Chuuya regretted it as soon as it came out of his mouth.

But it was just what Dazai wanted to hear, "Whadya say next time we go to a party together??"

"A... party?" Parties were pretty much Chuuya's environment. He rocked it and would usually be the musician and sing as he played guitar. At least for his friends' parties.

He wasn't really known outside of that, however, since he still thought he needed more practice.

"Or are you afraid that you're so short that you might get lost in the crowd~"

"Why you-!!" Chuuya was seriously refraining from punching Dazai right now, "F*ck you!"

"You think?" Dazai smirks.

"Shut up!! It's just... why invite me to a party?"

"Beeeecause it's a boring thing that I'm being forced to attend, so I figure, why not drag Chuu-chan along~!"

But before Chuuya could utter a single word, Dazai interjects again, "Oh, by the way, Chuuya... do you happen to play an instrument?"

After a moment of hesitation, Chuuya says, "Yeah, I play any type of guitar, piano, drums... why?"

Dazai seeme to light up more and more as Chuuya spoke, finally building up to the why, "Nakahara Chuuya-kun!! I am officially asking you to play at the party! Even if it's just one song!" Dazai was excited simply because he thought, based on Chuuya's personality, his music was probably just as brash, and Dazai hoped he would either have blackmail material or a helluva good time.

At this point, the ice cream was melting again, and Chuuya licked some that spilt onto the cone as he thought. He wasn't entirely sure about this, since he kinda had some... memories that weren't the best due to previous musical experience.

This prompted Dazai, who had been immediately aware of Chuuya's prideful nature the moment they met, a little concerned, but he hid it behind his smile.

Part of Dazai wondered what the point of all this even was. Why have a good time dancing when it all means nothing once you die? And why does he feel compelled to get Chuuya to play at the party? Why did he-

"Fine." Chuuya interrupted Dazai's train of thought.

"Eh?" A surprised noise escaped Dazai.

"I said, fine. I'll do it. Quit making me repeat myself like a kindergarten teacher!"

"If anything, Chuu-chan'd be a kindergartener~!"


And with that, Dazau ran off laughing, Chuuya close on his heels, what was left of both long forgotten ice creams falling to the ground, "Get the f*ck back back here, bastard! I f*cking swear I'll f*ckin boil your godd*mn teeth!"

(A/N) And that concludes the surprisingly quick third chapter in August of 2020. I just got re-obsessed with BSD, so Soukoku is life again :) enjoy!

The Strange Way We Met (Soukoku) [NO ABILITIES!!] {BSD Collage AU}Where stories live. Discover now