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At the party, Dazai had sneaked backstage to see Chuuya. We all know he wants a sneak peek, after all. There was someone else playing at the moment anyways, and Chuuya was going to be next.

Being too lazy to describe what Chuuya was wearing, here's the picture:

Being too lazy to describe what Chuuya was wearing, here's the picture:

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Because, well, he thought it looked cool. And Dazai is just in casual clothes, I guess. Normal jeans and t-shirt with the words, "mc daddy" written on it in big bold lettering... again, why not? Of course, he still wore his bandages.

Dazai hadn't even gotten that close, yet it seemed as if Chuuya sensed his presence, looking over and meeting his gaze suddenly. Chuuya only flashed a grin his way. It was over-confident, yet nervous, as if he wasn't entirely sure, but was going for it anyways. Overall, he was determined to do this with all the enthusiasm he could muster, and the look was almost blinding on such a man.

At first, this surprised Dazai. Especially since Chuuya had a sonewhat flashy outfit and always seemed to have some sort of presence in whatever room he enters. But the way Chuuya's eyes had a certain glint that Dazai hadn't seen anywhere else... that itself was almost enough to break his monotonous view of this world. It festers into an anxious buzzing, kept under wraps only by Dazai's practiced demeanor.

At this point, they had practically been having a staring contest.

"What the hell are you lookin at?" Chuuya had stalked closer to Dazai without much of Dazai's notice. Looking for a distraction, maybe?

"Just amazed at how horrible your fashion sense is~" calm and collected, that's how the reply sounds despite the fact that Dazai feels his heart rate pick up a little due to how hot Chuuya looked in that outfit.

Despite being insulted, Chuuya was still grateful for the momentary distraction, since it helped him calm down. Sure he liked performing, but he never did so in front of more than 7-8 people.

"Bastard...! You should probably get back to the museum exhibit...!"

The perfectly, pleasantly surprised look that came across Dazai's face momentarily made Chuuya forget his nervousness and have a proud moment of out-witting the wordy prankster.

Just at that moment, the performer on stage finished and they moved things around a little in preparation for Chuuya's performance.

Chuuya turned away, taking that moment of pride as confidence to get him moving, and gets his guitar set up and plugged in. There was already a drummer who had everyone's musics.

As he headed onto the makeshift stage, people turned their attention to him, and Chuuya pauses before taking a breath and continuing to the mic. Dazai watched, coming out from behind the stage to merge with some audience members on the side.

The beginning of his song was just his guitar, a low and melencholic sound. That didn't last long before the beat picked up and the drums added in.

In a matter of seconds, Chuuya had gone from a bit nervous to a ball of energy, playing a couple bars before starting to sing. It was the only original song he had made called "Darkness my Sorrow".


And it was a big hit for the crowd. Chuuya was an absolutely phenominal singer and his range was unsurprisingly high, since he yelled a lot anyways.

After the furs few words, he realized he didn't even need the mic, so he moved away from it and just continued, projecting his voice very well naturally.

And then, on the chorus, he was moving around and jumping plenty high, despite his short stature, waving his guitar around as he played it.

"Kono segai ga ima iro aseta torikago
Nageite misete mo tetsu goushi hazure wa shinai
But now darkness my sorrow mada tsuie wa shinai kara
Saa kase rareta fujiyuu wo warai tobashite"

There was so much passion and enthusiasm in these movements an in every note. Dazai envied him.

In that moment, they both forgot a negative feeling. Dazai was intrigued enough to put off dying, and Chuuya was so into the music that he completely forgot his earlier nervousness and it seemed he even forgot there were people there.

He narrowly missed an audience member when he swung his guitar once. It was still strapped to him, but the top of it was flung outward and he was already fairly close to the crowd.

As he finished his song, he ended with a classic slide onto the knees whilst the guitar is being held and played.

Looking out and finally seeing the crowd again, Chuuya took a moment to catch his breath as small crowd cheered and clapped.

In that moment, he forgot his stress. In that moment, he forgot his reality in favor of one of his dreams. In that moment, he forgot himself as he happened to look to the side and make eye contact with Dazai, who was staring right back at him with a look of intense curiosity and a faint smile.

The Strange Way We Met (Soukoku) [NO ABILITIES!!] {BSD Collage AU}Where stories live. Discover now