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After Chuuya had made it back to his place and done what needed to be done, including the job he decided to get via the college, he headed back to his dorm, which he shared with Michizo Tachihara. He could rely on his parents' money, but they weren't rich and they were already paying for his college education, so he figured the least he could do is not ask more money from them.

And sure Chuuya might skip some classes, but his childhood friends, Ryuunosuke and Gin Akutagawa, had his back with notes. The three would take turns skipping classes. At least Chuuya didn't skip test days. And in all reality, he went for what he wanted with all the enthusiasm he could muster. I won't mention what kind of life Chuuya himself lived, since the dear readers just want more Soukoku.

Anyways, since he got back to the dorm room, he glanced around, and upon not seeing Tachihara around right away, he closed the door behind him, sticking his hands in his pockets.

And he heard the soft crunch of a crisp piece of paper being crushed under his hand, so he takes it out curiously and uncrinkles it.

'Chuu-chan~ meet you again tomorrow, same place, same time!!

The redhead reads the note once and scoffs quietly to himself.

This Dazai guy does seem a bit lonely... maybe it might make a difference if he were to befriend him?


It wasn't like Chuuya had anything better to do, so he figured he might as well. His classes were over by the time noon rolled around and he was starting to get bored.

When he checked his phone for the first time that day, he noticed a notification saying he had 9+ text notifications.

Confused, he clicked on it and opened his phone... to find 19 new messages... all from Dazai...

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: Chuuyyyaaaaaa

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: Chuu-chaaaan~~~

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: Answer meeeeeeee!!!

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: Pleeeaaaaaaase~~?

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: What's uuuupppp???

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: Are we meeting uuuupppp????

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: Are you even uuuuuuppppp???

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: Ooooiiiii~

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: Chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuya~~~~

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: Are you ignoring meeeeeeeee?????

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: Don't ignore meeeeeee!!!!!!!

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: I'm boooooored~~~

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: So bored I could just diiiiieeeeeeee

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: Chuuya

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: Hatrack

That Annoying Waste of Bandages: Shortyyyy

The Strange Way We Met (Soukoku) [NO ABILITIES!!] {BSD Collage AU}Where stories live. Discover now