And? What of it?

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The view was too good. Whether he meant the sun reflecting off the lake or Dazai... was unclear.

After a while of just watching the sun's rays dancing on the lake, Chuuya had forgotten all of the earlier rage as a frown took over his expression, glancing to the boy next to him.

Dazai was still looking out at the lake.

But Chuuya figured that now was as good a time as any, since Dazai already mentioned it.

"Do you really think dying is the answer?"

The bandage device looked over at Chuuya, expression becoming one of slighy surprise, "Hm? Why do you ask?" Then it shifted into a look that can only be described as... 'sparkles', "Did you wanna commit a double suicide with me??"

"What the-... NO!" Chuuya was momentarily confused. But he shrugged it off.

"I was just thinking... there are people out there who genuinely wanna die, and there are people who are just curious... and personally, I'm just curious about what comes after. I mean, it is inevitable that everything that's alive will die."

Dazai was oddly silent, tilting his head slightly as Chuuya looked back at the lake.

After another moment of silence, Dazai finally speaks with only the simple, curious question of, "And? What of it?"

After another couple beats of silence, Chuuya continues, "I just... I dunno. Did you really mean it when you said you wanted to die?"

Dazai looks over as if he were confused as well, "Are you deaf, chibi? I am completely serious about it!! A romantic double suicide with an unimaginably beautiful lady!" He made sure his gaze shimmered as he spoke.

Chuuya seems suddenly annoyed, "Don't f*cking call me that! And since when is death romantic in any way?? That's like some story trope targeted toward young, edgy, teen girls!"

"Of course Chibi wouldn't understand~"Chuuya lightly smacks Dazai's arm with a small growl when Dazai called him "Chibi" again.

"Watch it before I kill you myself."

"That doesn't sound like the worst fate~"

There's a moment of silence as Chuuya processed the words the taller just said, then looks at him with a look of bewildered confusion.

He was about to say something else, but then just closes his mouth with a sigh, "Whatever. You're weird." Yet he still hadn't moved to leave.

"I think Chuu-chan likes it~"


After a bit more light bickering back and forth, Chuuya checked his phone and jumps up, "Sh*t, it's late! I gotta go. Cya."

As he walked away, he didn't notive the slip of paper Dazai had slipped into his pocket. The paper, my dear readers, that no doubt contained Dazai's name and a little message.

The Strange Way We Met (Soukoku) [NO ABILITIES!!] {BSD Collage AU}Where stories live. Discover now