The story shall now comense.

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((You know I feel like I should talk to you guys like this, thank you for reading and being patient with me even though I can update when I want, I just got caught up on playing games, such as fallout 3, and fable 2))

Harry stared down and caressed the letters Voldemort had sent over these couple days, it's seemed as if they were meant to be, they had so much in common like, living in a place with abusive muggles, types of food they like, intensive reading, hated Dumbledore, the beauty of some places, and political views. He let out a giggle as he was in a dream state, "Wake up! " Salazar snapped at him, "Ah! " He rolled off the bed and covered himself, "Don't look at me!  I'm ashamed of myself as well! " He shouted, "It's so weird to feel this emotion love, it's almost like a whole new level, far better than Cho." he said and looked at Salazar who pointed at him, "Did you guys come up with a time and place to hang out?" Salazar asked and began making a kissy face, "O-Of course, we plan on meeting up at Honey Duke's at 14:30." he blushed and smacked his friends arm,  "~I will distinguish you~." He hissed,  "~You know you love me~." was the reply he got, " and you're probably lucky that I do or I would have eviscerated you, " he said glaring at Salazar, "anyways I need to get ready." he smiled and went to his closet to change.
((meanwhile... )
"Severus you are to accompany me on my visit to my mate Harry Potter." Voldemort said, "We will be going to Honey Duke's at 14:30 which would be 2:30 pm sharp. "
"Of course my lord, I shall await till then. " The potions master replied,  "But, I must take my leave now my lord, unfortunately I spilled potions on my robes and must change. "
"Seek to it that you are indeed presentable" Voldemort replied hastily, Severus quickly left back to Hogwarts.
"Dumbledore I have entails of where Potter may be, he's going on a date with Voldemort at Honey Duke's at 14:30." he said as he barged into the headmasters quarters, "Excellent news! We can get rid of Potter and the Dark Lord at the same time,  I shall prepare an ambush! " Dumbledore smiled his eyes twinkling, 'Finally some good news!' Dumbledore thought and began preparing for an order meeting, "Well you must get going you only have an hour, Severus."
"Of course" He left the room and put on new robes and left to await what would come, he felt like he would regret it later.
((................Heh...... ))

Harry smiled and stood in front of Honey Duke's, his mate was coming to see him, he felt like he could crawl into his hell hole and die peacefully from all this excitement, but what confused him was not that many wizards were around, he only saw a few,  'weird' he thought,  "Harry Potter. " came the voice of his mate, he let out a shakily breath and smiled,  "Tom, " He looked up at his mate, "Are you ready for our date?" He asked both ignoring the potion master, "What would you like to do? " Tom asked. "I don't really know, maybe get some goodies and walk around? " He really wasn't good at dates, he felt nervous, 'Ahhh!  I bet he thinks Im a fool, who would recommend that on their first date! ' he thought and looked up at Tom. "I think that's okay, we could get to know each other more," Tom replied,  "I guess it would be fun since we're together and can make the most of it...." Harry smiled and nodded They went inside Honeyduke's to get some candy. Harry had to refrain himself from getting an armful in front of Tom, they quickly paid for their candies and left,  they walked around mostly Hogsmeade having a fun time to be honest they didn't even realize Severus gone or the fact that he was ever there, "But honestly Tom how could you hate quidditch, it's amazing to fly in the sky, feeling the air around you, almost like holding you feels amazing." He said and closed his eyes, he felt himself getting pulled and looked up at Tom,  "Well I guess you don't have to worry about the air holding you anymore, because you have me now." Tom purred and held Harry's chin gazing down into those beautiful Avada Kedavra eyes and placed a kiss onto his mates red rosey lips. Harry let out a soft moan feeling his mates lips upon his was amazing he let out a whimper as Tom pulled away, "Your honestly beautiful my mate. " Tom smiled,  "And nothing will ever change tha-" "Avada Kedavra!" Dumbledore shouted. Harry watched as his mate fell limp instantly, he saw Dumbledore and let out a scream as his mate died, black mixed with purple flames arose, "Fuck you! Fuck you Dumbledore!  Always ruining my happiness, meddling in my life! You will rule the day you ever existed!" his hand shot up and pointed towards Dumbledore, the flames quickly got a hold of Dumbledore who began screaming at the torturous fire that was swallowing him,  "It was for the greater good! " Dumbledore screamed as the fire are at his skin and held him captive, he turned to ash in 3 seconds. Harry stared down at his dead lover heart broken, "You will pay Dumbledore." He walked away after apparating with his lovers body to his home, " Salazar its time to see if your theory is correct about me, after all I am the shadow king, a forest queen of nature, and a dark phoenix, it's been told the Shadow King could go back in time, would it be possible for me to go back during Tom Riddles Hogwarts years, 50 years back? Dumbledore was still pretty young and has yet to kill Grindelwald, but I will kill them both, no one will ever come in between me and Tom ever again." he said in tears as he stroked his dead lovers cheek, "This our first time meeting without killing each other, our first time kissing," he broke down and cried, "Fate just loves to be a bitch to me, Fate hates me, always has, and never will. "
"Harry what your saying is dangerous! Going back into time, yeah it was a theory, but most theory's are wrong. "
"Not unless you try it! I would risk it for my mate any day!" He shouted, "How would you feel if you only got to hang out with you mate for a couple ours and get AK in front of you" he said brokenly.
"I guess I would attempt to try, but be careful, all of us, " he said spreading his arms to the shadows and nature, "will be right beside you, since we exist in the past, present, and future. " Harry smiled and hugged the shadow and held onto the locket of shadows and concentrated on to where he wanted to go, the last thing he heard was a crack as he vanished, 'it sounded like I apparated instead of vanished to be honest. ' he thought but quickly concentrated on his task, feeling the cool air in twice him, he landed heavily on someone "Oof."

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