Class time with Harry

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((hey guys sorry if there are some mistakes, its because I recently updated my keyboard and im not really happy with it, but you know what they say, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit, which means I have to learn the keyboard again *sighs* well enjoy))

Harry let out a sigh, he knew it was going to have to come to this and he desperately didn't want to, but unless he wanted Tom from banning him to the couch he had to, he didn't even want to go outside, "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! " said professor Kettleburn, "Take out your parchments you will be taking notes today" he said as he stared at Harry, harry sighed and began taking notes throughout the lecture,  it irritated him that he had to write what was based in the books the only ones accurate were the 'The Monster Book of Monsters' by Edwardus Lima, and the 'Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them' by Newt Scamander, which was personally his favorite, "Harry, You see a black, ugly horse pulling the carriages that lead you to the castle. What is it called?" asked professor Kettleburn, "A Threstral, sir" he replied,  "and how does a person see such a thing? " The professor asked again,  "To those that have witnessed or seen Death" he replied coldly, "Good job, 10 points to slytherin " The professor said and turned around after awhile it was time for lunch which he had been excited about and left the class heading towards slytherin, "Tom! " Harry shouted and tackled him from behind,  " Harry! " Tome hissed not liking to show much attention on himself to ho others, but since Hardy came he had been glued to him on the first day, "It's not like I did anything bad! " He pouted looking up at Tom, "I went to class today and I unbound from the couch? " he asked and Tom nodded, "Next time no pranking" Tom said, " yes sir" Harry replied happily.

Mean while Walburga Black stared in jealous, 'He was supposed to be mine!' She thought angrily as she began storming away angrily, "Maybe I'll have some of the girls spread rumors." she said happily, "And than Tom will have to see how much of a slut Harry is, Hey I heard Harry Salazar killed a person and that's why he could see threstrals he even told me himself" She said faking teary face to a ravenclaw girl who gasped and looked over at the cute male in horror, she turned and ran away to tell her friends what she had heard the cute Harry they found attractive was a murderer, 'Maybe I should spread more rumors' Walburga thought as she walked back to the cammon room having an evil smile, "Soon Tom will see that I am far superior than that slut!" She began laughing as it echoed through the common room, "What are you doing?" She snapped towards the voice, "Oh, its just you Abraxas , I was doing nothing it's just pretty me laughing over a joke, such as your birth still" She gave out a high pitch laugh and walked to the girls dorm while Abraxas stood there confused.

Harry gave out a happy sigh as he was back onto the bed again, "looks like someone is enjoying himself" said Salazar, Harry gave a happy nod and got underneath the blankets, "You also did a nice performance for someone who seemed innocent enough to never masturbate" He said again, "Well I'm not Innocent and you already know I'm not, since after all I had murdered a man, and im a dark creature who is rare and also known as light" Harry said giving a small hiss at the end but smiled, "But than again, no fire Phoenix will ever have nice silky fathers like mine" Harry said as he groomed his wings, Tom would be back in an hour, and his wings didn't take much time, "Adrian can you be a dear shadow and comb my feathers" He said, "It would be an honor your king" the shadow sat down and began coming the others wings, hearing his master give off small purrs encouraged him greatly to not be afraid of his new king.
Harry let out a content purr and fell asleep while the shadow continued to brush his wings, the shadow finally finished and noticed his king asleep, " Salazar can you help me with hiding his wings" Adrian said and Salazar nodded helping the other and tucking Harry into bed, they both quickly disappeared as they heard the portrait open.
Tom let out a sigh so many girls always crowded him he felt as if he didn't get that much study in the 3 hours and looked towards the bed and gave a rare smile at the sleeping male, he changed into his pajamas and went underneath the covers pulling the small male close to him and cuddled into his neck giving a brief smile as he fell asleep.

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