what they say

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"Winter is already here..." Harry said as he rubbed his hands together to get little warmth from the weather as he stood outside heading towards potions class, "Tch if only they allowed you to apparate to class, I'm tired of walking..." Harry grumbled, which some of his shadows shot him a confused look.

"Shouldn't you, enjoy the freedom of walking around, you almost weren't able to leave the room, let alone walk." Said Adrian

"A-Ah who cares! Maybe I dream of being a lazy phoenix, snacking on fruit.... And maybe a pesky rat......" Harry growled out the last part, still irritated at Peter Pettigrew for betraying his beloved in his last life.

Winter should honestly be the year that a dark Phoenix such as himself should thrive in, aswell as any weather, but he felt tired and achy, an itch that annoyed him.

"Honestly I'm thinking of skipping classes, is potions really so good? I feel like ever since my awakening thing have gotten easier for me to do, but my instincts make it hard on me to do what I want, but I know it's my bodies way of healing..." Sighed Harry as he looked up one last time at the grey clouded sky and headed inside knowing full well, he could never skip classes, if he did Tom would never let him off.

"You know, I heard something about Beatrix clinging onto Riddle since he left the libraries, it must be nice having all that time to himself to fling with other girls, you think I got a shot" whispered a girl causing a whole group of girls to giggle.

Harry clenched onto the desk, a lour crack can be heard as the table folded with the potion he was brewing and ingredients, cause one of the girls to gasp and go back to their own business,

"Harry!" Professor Slughorn shouted, "You're usually better than this, you're lucky there's a barrier to prevent mistakes like this."

"What has got you so distracted? Take a breather to the hospital wing." Professor Slughorn said as he shook he head.

"I'm sorry professor, it won't happen again..." Harry said ashamed he left the room with his head down already hearing the whispers, he honestly didn't know why he put so much strength in that poor desk, he'll just go to his next classes, a stroll was in order.

"I wonder whats going on with mama Harry," a female shadow whispered.

"Isn't it that time of year for dark Phoenix's to mate? You know every other winter" Salazar said, his finger scratching his chin.

All the shadows turned to look at Salazar.

"Did you all really not kno- right, not much knowledge on them cause books being dark.... Yeah.... My apologies," Salazar said.

"Oh no, " said Adrian....

'You know, what people say can't be true, its just a rumor that goes by, a thought of a rumor, a rumor of Tom cheating on me, I'd never believe that, we're mates, he's my voldie.' Harry thought as he looked across the class at his mate, glaring at every girl that even dares to think about him, mainly Walburga Black, her horrible laugh echoes all the time, through out the halls, in classes, bloody! he can hear her in their bed, her laugh is like nails scratching on the inside of your skull he should have killed her.

'Im tired of playing the fool I'm a damn slytherin it my time to shine, no more innocent oblivious Harry Potter well Salazar now. I will show this class why I should be beside the heir of slytherin! Salazar will help me with this new upcoming, a new dawn for this phoenix, Fawks is either with me for against me I wont kill him but rebirth him in a new way to forget Dumbledore! That man is honestly jealous of me...' Harry thought grumbling to himself

Tom looked up from his work at Harry who shot up startling the whole class, something felt wrong, " I'm sorry Professor Kettleburn, im not feeling so well" Harry stated as a squawk left his lips as he bolted from the room, he had noticed a feather appear in his hair, he wasn't ready yet, he had to keep this a secret, 'Would Tom even love me if he knew I was a monster?' The though was so loud it felt like he, himself spoke it.

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