Chapter 19

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This chapter is mostly talking about how Astoria and Shire meet. And this flashback is Astoria's PoV.
Once upon a time....

A boy: Take that you mutant!

Another boy: Yeah!

What's going on over there? Maybe I have to take a closer look. Oh my, those men are bullying that man! Wait, it's not some men, but it's a teenager like me! I have to stop them

Astoria: Hey! What are you doing? Stop that!

Boy 1: Who are you? Get away from here, princess...

Boy 2: Pfft... Princess... That fit you a lot...

Astoria: Well, just for your information, I am a princess. So, you three better get away from here or I'll tell my mom who is apparently a queen.

They all are speechless. This is fun! It always works everytime...

Boy 1: Y... You're the princess?!

Astoria: Uh huh! Now, I'll count one until three, if you three still here, I'm totally gonna tell this to the queen

Boy 2: But he's a mutant!

Astoria: One!

Boy 3: Yeah! He could bring harm to this world!

Astoria: Two!

Boy 1: Yeah... What they say! I'm running out of ideas...

Astoria: Two and a half!

Boy 1: Run!!!

They all ran away. Now, they say he's a mutant? I hope he doesn't bite. Wait, does mutant is the same thing as a beast? I hope he's the same creature like Uncle Beast...

Astoria: He.. Hello there... Nice to meet you! Wait, where is he?

Great! Now he's disappear!

Shire: I'm over here...

I looked up, right and left, but there's no one there!

Astoria: I'm not in the mood for jokes!

Shire: Princess! I'm right in front of you! Is it very hard to see?!

He yelled at me. I look forward and there he is! Bleeding...

Astoria: I'm sorry... I can't see you well, I have a trouble seeing since I was 12... Here, let me see your face

I'm about to touch his face, but he looked away.

Astoria: Hey! Let me see it!

Shire: No! I'm a mutant, I don't want you to see it!

Astoria: Hey, my great-grandfather is half frog and a half human! And he took care of me since I was little! So, I promise I will not run away from you

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