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"Please tell me you didn't drug me or try to kill me in my sleep," Wynonna mumbled into the pillow her face was halfway buried in. Reina had gotten up before her and set a glass of water on the nightstand next to the bed that was presently occupied by a hungover Earp sister.

"No, I was right there the whole time," she replied, pointing to where she'd fallen asleep. "You have really shitty judgement when you're drunk."

"So does everyone else on the planet." Wynonna groaned as she sat up and took a swig of water. "How bad is it out there?"

"Still snowing," Reina replied as she moved the curtain back from a window. "I'd say there's about a foot of it on the ground so far."

"Fuck," Wynonna grumbled. "So I'm stuck with you?"

"Ouch," Reina joked. Wynonna rolled her eyes, wincing as she discovered that simple action hurt her head.

"Do you have a phone I can use? Mine's dead."

"Yeah, hold on." Reina left the room and returned with a Samsung that she tossed into Wynonna's lap. The latter picked it up, looking it over.

"Apple is better," she commented offhandedly as she called her sister. She hoped she was awake.


"Wynonna, where are you? Everyone was scared when you didn't come home last night, Doc almost called the police. Are you okay?" Waverly started rapid-firing questions the moment she answered the phone. Nicole's hand found her free arm and slid down it to intertwine their fingers, providing enough of a distraction for Waverly to take a breath.

"I'm fine," came the first answer from the other end of the call. "I'm with someone I met at Shorty's, the snow's too deep to drive in right now."

"Who? If he laid a finger on you I swear-"

"She is actually pretty relaxed and considerate, Waves. Don't worry about me, I'll be home the second I can okay?"

"Oh! Sorry," Waverly sighed. "Okay. Just please be careful."

"Since when am I careful?" This earned a laugh from the younger Earp.

"At least try. I'm gonna go back to sleep, you woke Nicole up."

"Sorry. I love you."

"I love you too." With that, she hung up. Nicole watched her girlfriend with brown doe eyes as she laid back down. Another home improvement Waverly had made was getting herself a bigger bed.. for various reasons.

"She'll be okay baby, you know your sister," Nicole reassured before kissing Waverly's nose, and then her lips. The younger Earp sister smiled, left hand drifting up from her side to cup her girlfriend's jaw and run her thumb along her cheek. Nicole's eyes closed, enjoying the touch as she drifted back towards sleep.

"I love you," Waverly said in a soft tone as she took in the beauty in front of her.

"I love you," Nicole replied with a warm smile.


"Reina, right?"

Said woman nodded in response, seemingly texting someone the moment she'd gotten her phone back. She sat perched on the end of the bed with her back to Wynonna.

"I haven't seen you around here before. Where're you from?"

"Down south," Reina replied with a smirk.

"You don't have an accent," Wynonna observed. She cringed as she spoke, a sudden pain shooting through her head.

"Nope! Great detective skills, you should be giving Nedley a hand," Reina laughed, pocketing her phone and standing up. "Aspirin?"

Bottom of the Bottle | Wynonna Earp Where stories live. Discover now