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The springtime breeze would've been relaxing in any other situation. Reina could smell the flowers in bloom and the recent rainfall the moment she stepped outside, but an unusual mix lingered with them. Cucumbers and a familiar perfume.

Rounding the corner to the cage she'd helped Waverly assemble, she paused at the sight of the human-snake. Lucy, her now ex-girlfriend, sat on the ground with her arms folded. Dolls was nearby, sifting through a duffle bag with Waverly looking over his shoulder. She hung back momentarily as rage filled her. Not only had Lucy lied about who she was, but she'd also hurt one of her best friends.

"You have a knack for dating all the wrong people." The charming voice that caught her attention in Shorty's now forced a growl from Reina's throat. She lunged at the farming tools that composed the bars of the cage, silver burning into her palms as her hands wrapped around them. Lucy only laughed, green eyes glinting with pride. "Temper, dear. Wouldn't want you hurting yourself before the real fun begins."

Waverly grabbed Reina's arms and gently pried her away from the cage. The younger Earp was equally if not more pissed off but kept her composure. They wouldn't get what they needed by killing the captive. "Keep that fire handy but don't use it yet, okay?"

The hellhound took a moment, then nodded. She backed off to the side of the barn and watched.

Dolls procured a small device from the duffle, a hollowed out syringe made of red metal. It glinted orange in the rays of the early morning sun. Seeming satisfied with his tool of choice, he pulled up a chair in front of the cage. "Just answer our questions and this is gonna hurt a lot less."


The front door opened and out walked Nicole. Her eyes focused somewhere far off, she slowly made her way to the group outside. Waverly had her back turned to the house and didn't see her girlfriend right away. Dolls had the syringe buried in Lucy's neck. Waverly was helping him hold her still while he took an unnecessarily large blood sample to study in another attempt to reverse the effects of the venom.

The snake lady's face had already gone paler than her typical frosty complexion, but she couldn't die. She just felt hollow and fragile, as if the slightest touch would somehow be able to kill a demon. She had other methods of breaking free that didn't involve relying on her strength..

Waverly grinned when she felt familiar soft hands slide down her arms and Nicole at her back. What she wasn't expecting were those hands suddenly tightening down on her arms and violently ripping her away from the demon, then the redhead shoving her back even farther.

Lucy still wasn't strong enough to escape on her own, and Reina was the next one to go. Her vision blurred and she collapsed before she could turn on her friends. Using two steady energy supplies, Lucy broke out of the cage and shoved a broken shovel through Dolls's stomach. She snuck into the Homestead. Wynonna wasn't exactly sleeping in a super secured area and she was easy enough to find.

Lucy placed a green, glowing hand against the side of Wynonna's stomach. Unfortunately for her, the Earp heir had heard Waverly screaming for her to get up moments prior and it woke her up. She rolled over and shot the snake lady in the face, sending the creature back to hell just in time for her stomach to expand. Nausea and panic set in as she thought the demon's magic trick was to make her explode. She made it to the bathroom but missed the toilet, vomiting over the white and grey tiles instead and wondering what the hell had just happened.


"You didn't know?" Waverly asked softly from beside the sofa. Wynonna wanted to be a part of the action but her sister forced her to sit upon seeing her stomach.

"No idea," Wynonna replied. Waverly had also figured out the species of demon Lucy happened to be. A Gello, a snake-shifting monster that preyed on newborn babies. Wynonna was completely unaware that she was pregnant, which made it easier to get to her. Poisoning Nicole was just to bait her out into the woods.

"Do you know whose it is?" Waverly asked more quietly.

Wynonna made a humming sound followed by a hissing inhale. "I.. might."


"How's Dolls doing? That shovel stab must've hurt like hell."

"He's fine, Nicole took him to the hospital." More than familiar with how her sister's brain worked, Waverly added "you can't avoid my question forever."

"You're really not gonna like this."

"Well I wasn't worried, but now it's kinda sounding like Doc won't either."

"Hey, that was no strings."

Waverly sighed. "Okay, you're right, I'm sorry. Everything is fine. Do you know who the father is?" The younger Earp felt it was necessary to make up for the lack of concern from Wynonna.

"Probably.. we're gonna need to take a little trip."

"To where?"

"Pussy Willows. I may have gotten shitfaced after the Jack the Ripper incident and fucked the bartender."

"In no way is that a 'may have,'" Waverly noted with an eye roll. "Okay, so.. you want to go talk to him and convince him to take a blood test?"

Wynonna got up slowly from her seat, trying not to disturb the passed out hellhound Waverly had dragged inside. "No, but that's probably a better idea. I was just gonna steal a shot glass with his DNA on it."

Waverly laughed, crossing the room to grab her jacket from the hook by the door. She brought Wynonna's to her as well. "My plan might be easier."

"At least we have a backup." She said with a slight shrug, then gestured to Reina, asleep with one arm hanging off the sofa. "Should we get Nicole back here to make sure she doesn't set the house on fire or something?"

"I don't think she'll be waking up for a while," Waverly replied. She was more than thankful that Nicole had woken up, and assumed the same venom finally got to Reina through whatever demon barrier that prevented her from being paralyzed sooner.

Wynonna still seemed unsure.

"I can call Doc?" Waverly offered.

"No, no he has a bar to run. I guess it's fine.." She turned her attention to the door. "Let's get this over with."

Bottom of the Bottle | Wynonna Earp Where stories live. Discover now