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As they approached the ammonite barrier surrounding the house, Reina got heavier and stopped walking. Wynonna grumbled to herself as she held the fainted hellhound closer before she fell. "Great." Now carrying her friend bridal style, she finally made it inside.

"What the hell happened?" Dolls questioned, quickly taking Reina from Wynonna to help out. The Earp heir pointed him towards an armchair to set her down on.

"The snake happened. It's not just a snake though, it's also a human. Reina got bitten, but she beat the hell out of it before we had to come back. Hopefully it's still passed out and we can go get it," Wynonna explained.

Dolls thought for a moment, then nodded. "Okay. I set up an analysis of the skin you guys brought back, it should tell us what we need to reverse the venom. Let's go grab the snake before it hurts anybody else.. why didn't you just shoot it?"

"I tried, but I missed."

"After it was unconscious?"

"Oh. Yeah, that would've been a good idea." Her mind had been elsewhere at the time.

Dolls sighed. "Let's just go."

A faint voice chimed in. "Wait!" Wynonna turned, seeing Reina with her eyes half open and holding her hand out. "C'mere really quick." Confused but compliant, she walked over to the chair.

Reina took her friend's burnt hands in her own, turning them palms up. She ran her thumbs over the burns and they disappeared. Wynonna tilted her head slightly, ever surprised by the hellhound's capabilities. "Thank you," Reina said, referring to the effort that was put in to returning her from the woods. The venom was clouding her brain and against her better judgment she stretched up, kissing Wynonna's cheek before she not-so-gracefully collapsed back into the chair.


"It's so nice not having to walk back out here," Wynonna commented from inside Dolls's truck.

"You've done a lot of walking today," Dolls agreed. "If the snake is still knocked out, where should we take it?"

"Take it? Wouldn't killing it be better?"

"Yes, but just in case my test doesn't work.. we can convince it to tell us how to cure Nicole."

Wynonna nodded, understanding where he was going with the statement. "Back to the homestead? The ammonite sure as hell gets to Reina, it'll probably have the same effect on the snake."

"Hm." Dolls pulled in to the grass along the edge of the tree line around where Wynonna had told him she'd been, and stopped the engine. "We could try it. If it's awake, shoot it in the chest. That should be enough to keep it down for a while."

"Okay." Peacemaker in hand, Wynonna led the way into the woods.


A few minutes later, Dolls was driving a bloodied, unconscious snake demon and Wynonna back to the Homestead. They were greeted by Waverly, who was seemingly excited despite the ongoing issues.

"We made a cage," she announced.

"We?" Dolls questioned before spotting a sickly looking shapeshifter. Wynonna was staring, and he wasn't sure why until he caught a glimpse of her face.

Dark crimson eyes returned Wynonna's stare, pupils either not currently visible, gone entirely, or blending in with the red that occupied the space where white should've been. She mouthed a 'What The Fuck' to her sister, who simply shrugged. "I told her to go lay down but she insisted on helping."

Reina jogged over, showing no signs of physical distress aside from her outer appearance. "Hey! We made a cage."

"We heard. You seem ..better?" Dolls filled in the silence.

"Running on demon juice, but yeah! I feel great! Did you guys find the snake?"

Dolls nodded, then looked back to Waverly and lowered his voice. "Should we be concerned?" She shrugged, and he sighed.

"Yeah," Wynonna finally spoke. "In the back." Not only was she unnerved by Reina looking like shit, but she for some reason felt like shit. Dolls got out of the truck and went around to the back, Waverly right behind him. "Ray, can you c'mere quick?"

The demon went around to Wynonna's door. "What's-"

"I.." Wynonna sighed. "I feel sick. Like, 'if I try to get up I'm gonna fall over' sick.. Help?" It was unnecessarily difficult for her to ask, but she had an image to hold up and now was not the best time.

"Yeah, here." She held up a hand, which Wynonna took and clung to as she hopped down. The second she was standing, her head began to buzz and her ears were ringing. Reina helped her inside, letting go when Wynonna was able to balance. "...you good?"

Wynonna said nothing, rushing to the bathroom without closing the door behind her. Out of concern, Reina followed. The Earp heir fought it at first, then figured 'better out than in' as her stomach forced pure bile and water out. She felt her hair being pulled back from the sides of her face, nodding her gratitude before a second wave of dry heaving set in. When her body finally seemed to be done, she sat back and took the glass of water Waverly handed her, using it to rinse. Dolls's voice called for the younger Earp to help him, and she smiled apologetically before taking off to do just that. She trusted that the hellhound could handle helping her sister.

"Think you can stand?" Reina asked, offering a helping hand. Wynonna grabbed it, letting her friend pull her up. She held on for balance as she was guided to her room where a comfy pair of shorts and a t-shirt waited on her bed. "Waverly picked them out," a brief explanation was provided. "You need a break. When's the last time you ate something?" She shook her head stubbornly.

"I'm fine-"

"You have a funny definition of fine. C'mon." The brown-eyed woman helped Wynonna the last three meters to her bed, turning around to let her change and then helping her around the bed so she could lay down. Wynonna made herself comfortable, settling on her side. She grabbed Reina's wrist, gently tugging her down to eye level. She kissed her. The action was brief but full of what weak amount of passion the Earp heir could manage, feeling severely unwell.

"Didn't get to before," Wynonna said with a hint of a smile. Reina seemed conflicted, both appreciating the sentiment and confused by what it meant. However she wouldn't ask while Wynonna seemed semi-delirious. She instead mirrored the smile, tucked her friend's hair behind her ear, and pulled the blanket over her.

"I'm gonna go help out with the snake situation. Get some rest." She left the room and turned the light off, leaving Wynonna to fall asleep.

Bottom of the Bottle | Wynonna Earp जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें