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"No." Dolls was not letting up.

"Why not?" Reina insisted.

"You kidding me? Even Waverly wanted to sit this one out. That thing could rip your head off before you blink."

"Maybe it won't be there. Or maybe it's weaker in the sunlight?"

"Just let her come along. She's stubborn and we'll be here all week," Wynonna finally interrupted. Reina shot her some grateful finger guns as Dolls stepped aside, allowing her to hop into the back seat of the truck.

"I'm not babysitting," Dolls stated sternly.

"Neither am I," Wynonna replied.


The trio had to shade their eyes from the sun's rays in order to see the warehouse. It looked much worse in the light, full of cracks and overgrown weeds. A bird's nest rested in the rusted rain gutter along the edge of the roof. Wynonna's voice broke through the chorus of wildlife.

"I don't see it," she observed.

"Alright, here's the plan." Dolls put one hand on Reina's shoulder, startling her out of an absentminded gaze in the direction of the building. "We move in together. You," he gave her a little push towards Wynonna, "stay between us. Someone forgot to give you a weapon." A quick, meaningful glance at Wynonna. "Wynonna, cover right. Good?" Both women nodded. "Okay, let's do this."

Every slight rustle in the tangled sea of grass on the way to the warehouse earned the aim of a gun and tensed shoulders. However, there was no demon dog to be seen and they'd made it to the entrance.

"Well that's disappointing," Wynonna muttered. Reina looked at her with actual, genuine fear in her eyes. "Sorry," the Earp heir quickly apologized. A nervous smile was the frightened woman's only response.

"Just because we haven't seen it yet doesn't mean it's gone. Keep your guard up and let's head in." Without further warning, Dolls pushed open a rusted rectangle that immediately fell off of its hinges. A cloud of dust rose up after the collision and caused the man to cough.

"What are we looking for again?" Wynonna questioned as she gave the giant room a once-over with a flashlight. Reina cleared her throat before speaking.

"Silver object with a thingy on it. Probably engraved."

"That's super helpful, thank you. Any idea where to look?"

"How about whatever the light just bounced off of?"

"Good eye," Dolls chimed in. A second beam of light sought out a twinkle across the room as the ex-Black Badge operative cautiously walked towards it. "Huh. Whatever revenant summoned this thing did a really poor job of hiding this." He held up a silver bone with intricate runes etched into the smooth surface for Wynonna to see. Setting his flashlight down, he turned the item over in his hand, contemplating the next step.

"Whatever you're doing, please hurry," Reina pleaded. Her voice was urgent, leading the other two to believe that the dog was back. After both scanned their surroundings, Dolls returned his attention to the bone and Wynonna shot her a confused look. It didn't take the heir long to figure out the pressing issue.

"Uh, Dolls?"

"I swear there better be a reason for interrupt-" he cut himself off as he turned around.

Reina stood towards the back corner of the room attempting to tie her left arm to a decrepit water pipe that ran the length of the ceiling. That arm had runes that matched those on the bone, presently glowing a dull red.

The runes, in combination with her eyes reflecting a similar red hue, led Wynonna to believe there was a chance that there was more to her cute bisexual friend than met the eye.

"Surprise?" Reina tried.

"Ray, what the fuck?"

"It's not like I have a choice please hurry up and break that thing he's here," she forced out in one breath. Sure enough, the next sound to be heard by the party of three were footsteps resounding off of the moldy metal interior. Wynonna didn't hesitate in whipping out the substitute pistol Dolls had supplied, aiming at the approaching revenant's head. He stopped in his tracks when he saw the situation the three were in and started howling with laughter.

Reina quite literally growled with a boiling rage behind the sound. Dolls glanced back just in time to see a large dog, on fire, in place of the woman. The thud of metal hitting flesh echoed in the space as Wynonna shot Cal right between the eyes, and he dropped. She knew they had to work fast to find Peacemaker before he woke up or the hellhound broke free. Redirecting her attention to Reina - Reina? - she attempted a simple command. "Sit." More growling. "Or don't sit, that's good too. Dolls, any luck?"

"About as much as you're having. Check the revenant, I'll keep looking." Wynonna nodded and checked Cal's pockets, coming up empty handed. As she turned to check on Dolls, she heard a loud snap followed by creaking, then water dripping.

Pistol in hand, she sprinted towards the opposite end of the building as animal nails clicking against concrete followed her. She finally reached a dead end, out of breath, and turned to face the assailant. The hound skidded to a stop, baring its teeth in a snarl. Wynonna aimed for its head, turned away, and fired. A reassuring yelp and heavy thump followed. If the revenants didn't die from normal bullets, Reina probably wouldn't either. Right? She took a moment to breathe and started jogging back towards Dolls, only stopping to trip over a loose portion of concrete hidden in the dark. Putting two and two together she decided to dig it out.. well, tried to. "Dolls! I found something," she called. The deputy marshall was soon by her side and helped edge the slab of cement out of the way.


"Ow.." A female voice mumbled. The empty space picked up the sound and amplified it, causing Wynonna to almost drop the burlap sack in her hands. Rather than drawing her gun, she approached Reina who was still on the ground.

"I didn't kill her!" She notified Dolls before nudging the other woman with the tip of her boot. "C'mon, you're fine. Get up."

Reina pushed herself into a seated position, swiping at her face with her sleeve. She looked up at Wynonna with  dark orange eyes as more blood trickled from the slowly healing bullet hole. "Is he dead?" The Earp nodded, and she sighed in relief. Standing was a bit of a challenge thanks to blood loss, but Wynonna helped support her weight.

"You have some explaining to do."

Bottom of the Bottle | Wynonna Earp Where stories live. Discover now