Let's Have A Chat

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Firstly, i know it's been a literal year and a bit since i've published for this story. i'm sorry, and y'all deserve an explanation

the primary reason for the hiatus is i kinda stopped liking this story. it was flimsy plot-wise at best and i had to make up too many characters to fill in gaps between what was thought out and what i ultimately wanted to happen.

essentially this whole book is an improv experiment gone terribly wrong! i want to rewrite it but keep having extreme bouts of apathy that's kind of having horrible effects on my life but that's a story for another time.

so we have a few options here

1. i try to figure out how to resolve the story from here so y'all have some kind of substantial ending rather than cliffhangers, except this is exactly what i dont want to do

2. i mark this book as discontinued and start anew

3. i unpublish this book and start anew

4. i redo the story from the ground up but use the same chapters that already exist and just replace the text. that would presumably save your comments

2 seems like the best option, but i'd really like other opinions or maybe suggestions for a solution i'm missing. any input would be super appreciated

again, hella sorry for the lack of anything and thank you for sticking around. love y'all

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