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The same voice that had woken her up earlier was strained.

"Wynonna, please. Please be okay. There's no way you hit your head that hard."

"I'm alive?" Came the very much alive Earp sister's response, bright blue eyes opening only to squint in the harsh sunlight.

Reina laughed, although the sound was mixed with a sigh of relief. "Yes, thankfully. I don't know if I could handle prison."

Wynonna smiled as she attempted to sit up despite the searing pain in her head. "What the hell happened?"

She took in her surroundings now that she was awake. Somehow Reina had managed to get herself and Wynonna into a car that was parked about a block or three away from Shorty's. Sensing her confusion, Reina supplied an answer.

"Somebody with a plow came through earlier. It's seven, you've been out for a while."

"In the morning I hope?" Wynonna looked at Reina for the first time since she woke up, and almost passed out again. The welts on her face were more swollen than ever, although the steady stream of blood from her nose had stopped and dried. Dried blood also coated a small area around her collarbone. "What the fuck?"

Reina smiled in amusement, but Wynonna didn't understand what the joke was. "Yes, in the morning. Don't worry about it-"

"I'm gonna worry about it just because you said that." Her eyes widened in realization. "Did he shoot you?!"

The injured woman sighed, finally meeting Wynonna's gaze. "Yes. But! He was aiming for you, and he missed."

"Oh, is that why you gave me a concussion?"

"What's better, a little bit of head trauma or a bullet?"

"Okay, I see your point. Why are we in a car?"

"You would've been home by now if I knew where that was. I had to wait for you to wake up to give me directions."

"Out of town. Straight, then a left. It's the only building out that way, you can't really miss it."

"Thank you," Reina praised with an incredibly relieved tone as she started the car.

Wynonna gave a sarcastic salute and stretched her legs as far in front of her as the space allowed. "Can I see your phone?"

"Yeah, why?" Taking one hand off of the wheel, Reina pulled her phone from her pocket and handed it over.

"I'm putting my number in it," she responded as she entered her phone number under the contact name of 'Hot one from Saturday' and then proceeded to call her sister.


"Hey! I was just about to ask Nicole to file a missing persons report, what took you so long?" Waverly quickly muted the television to talk to Wynonna.

"There was a.. situation. It's been handled, kinda. I'll tell you more when we get there."

"We?" Waverly raised an eyebrow, holding her cell between her shoulder and her ear as she pulled on some shoes. The thought occurred to her that she might have to re-shovel a path to the highway.

"Yes, Reina's here. Can't you tell I'm using her phone? Say hi!"

Waverly rolled her eyes as she heard a faint and unexcited 'hello' from the other end of the call.

"I'm gonna go fight the snow some more, be careful okay? I don't trust her."

"You haven't even met her."

Bottom of the Bottle | Wynonna Earp Where stories live. Discover now