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After a brief pause to let a wave of discomfort pass, Reina spoke. "Not really, why?" Her eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"You're smoking."

"We established my sexiness earlier-"

"No, literally."

"What?" Reina turned her head to look at her arm, eyes widening in horror once she saw what Wynonna was talking about. She jolted upright and quickly wiped away the tears that forced their way out of her eyes at the sudden burst of pain. "What the fuck?"

"How are you in here?"

"We walked."

"That's not what I mean, revenants shouldn't be able to get in the house. You should've been stopped at the highway." Wynonna turned to look at Waverly who was still in the kitchen, then back at Reina. Her voice dropped in volume and her tone hardened. "I swear to god if you hurt my sister-"

"Whoa! I'm not a revenant, and I definitely don't want to hurt either of you. If I'm a problem I'll leave."

Waverly had heard most of the conversation and rolled her eyes, putting dinner in the oven and walking over.

"She's not a revenant," she stated very frankly, leaving no room for argument.

"How can you tell?" Wynonna retorted as she stood, glancing between her sister and the not-demon twice before settling on Waverly.

"You said it yourself, she wouldn't be able to pass the ammonite."

Reina chose that moment to butt in with a discovery. "Could this have something to do with the smoke?" Wynonna and Waverly turned, both noticing some strange markings covering the underside of Reina's arm. Waverly held on to her wrist to keep her arm up in the air as she studied the engravings.

"Your boyfriend branded you," she concluded as she let Reina's arm down.


"Think of it like a microchip, but more demonic and efficient."

"Someone did their homework," Wynonna mumbled.

"And this means?"

"He can find you anywhere."

"Even here.." Realization dawned on Reina the moment she opened her mouth. "I have to go, you guys are in danger-"

"He can't get in, it's okay. At least let me patch you up before you leave," Wynonna interrupted. She was reluctant to let her friend go - outside the house Reina was fair game for the revenant to hunt down and potentially kill.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, lay down." Once she was settled, Wynonna knelt next to the couch, laying one arm across Reina's lower torso for balance as she first looked to find exactly where the shell casing lodged. From what Wynonna could see, the bullet barely missed Reina's collarbone. "Damn. You're lucky it didn't break any bones." She was able to wiggle the shell out of her friend's chest without tearing anything else and with the minimal amount of screaming. Setting the tweezers aside, she helped Reina sit back up.

"Well that hurt like a bitch," she hissed as Wynonna pressed a piece of gauze soaked in disinfectant to the wound. Another, dry piece of gauze was stuck to her chest with some form of medical tape and she was finally able to breathe properly. "Remind me not to get shot again."

Wynonna smiled, standing and going to wash her hands. Dinner was ready when she returned from the bathroom just in time to watch Waverly set it on the dining room table.

"I should get going, thank you guys for everything-"

"You're not going anywhere. At least not until you're in better shape," Waverly commanded in a tone that apparently scared the injured woman.

"Yes ma'am," Reina, wide-eyed, affirmed.

Waverly changed attitudes in a split second, giving her a warm smile. "Come get some food."

Reina immediately got up and headed towards the table, smacking her leg against the coffee table getting up off of the couch. "Son of a bitch," she grumbled as she walked over, grabbing her shin the moment she sat down. Wynonna burst into laughter at the chain of events, finding it hilarious that her fluffball of a sister was able to turn her equally-fluffball of a new friend into a clumsy train wreck.

"Hey, graceful. Catch," Wynonna called as she threw a clean shirt at Reina before joining the two already at the table. She caught it and put it on, a faded dark blue tank top that brought out the gold flecks in her dark brown eyes.


After an incredibly delicious meal, Wynonna decided it was time to sleep. Her head was still pounding and she wanted to lay down at the very least, unsure of how much sleep she'd be getting when she noticed Reina trailing her like a lost puppy. She walked into the room connected to the kitchen and sat on the edge of her bed, kicking her shoes off before pulling off the shirt she'd borrowed.

"Whoa!" Reina very quickly turned around, not having meant to invade Wynonna's privacy. The older Earp smirked and silently appeared behind her friend.

"What's wrong? It's like you've never seen boobs before," she teased. "C'mon, we're both girls."

Waverly, who had apparently heard Wynonna's statement, could be heard laughing from upstairs.

"Y'know, I think I like your sister more," Reina replied without turning around.

'I could have some fun with this.' Wynonna grinned devilishly as she laid both hands on Reina's shoulders, slowly and deliberately sliding them down her arms until she reached her wrists. Her hands looped around the taller woman's wrists and she pulled Reina's arms up above her head. "We can change that," Wynonna purred into her friend's ear before spinning her around to face her.

Reina's eyes were wide as the house warmed up. The fireplace suddenly decided to do its job, at least for the first floor. Wynonna released her wrists and instead grabbed the front of Reina's also borrowed shirt to pull her closer.

Reina leaned in, centimeters from Wynonna's lips as they both broke into heavy laughter.

Once she could breathe again, Reina wiped tears from her eyes for the second time that evening. "Okay, I see your point," she managed with another short laugh.

Wynonna shook her head, sporting a large grin herself. "Good. Now, I'm going to sleep, and you probably should too. Don't even think about giving me that 'I'll take the floor' bullshit."

"How did you-"

"Lucky guess," she replied sarcastically. "You are a walking cliche."

"Says the one wearing black lace," Reina retorted, cocking an eyebrow.

"I'm too tired to deal with you," Wynonna responded as she slipped out of Reina's shorts as well.

"That's not what it seemed like two minutes ago," Reina taunted from the left edge of Wynonna's bed. That remark earned her a pillow to the face. Wynonna walked around to the other side. "Do you have a kink for abusing people with soft objects?"

"Yes. Go the fuck to sleep." Wynonna laid down, and changed her mind. "Actually, c'mere first." Reina rolled over, and Wynonna snuggled into her personal space heater. "Go the fuck to sleep."

"Yes ma'am," the space heater laughed.

Bottom of the Bottle | Wynonna Earp Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat