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No response.


Nothing. Something moved her, and she clung to the closest available object before she fell.

"Good, you're awake. Mind not strangling me?"

"Mind not dropping me?" Wynonna mocked, letting go of Reina's torso and immediately falling back on to her lap.

"I didn't drop you, I shook you. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, why?"

"Look outside."

One sideways glance out the window showed that it was dark out. "What the fuck?" She sat up and looked at Reina, expression akin to that of a confused puppy. Something could've happened at the border of the triangle and plunged the town into darkness without her knowing about it.

"The movie ended a while ago. You slept through the second half and then a few hours after that. I have to pee."

"Thanks for letting me know," she said sarcastically. "Why didn't you wake me up before?"

"Because it wasn't urgent and I like you better when you're not talking."

Wynonna took the pillow off of Reina's legs and smacked her with it. "Go pee."

"Thank you, your highness." Reina stood and gave a fake bow. "I'd also appreciate it if you stopped abusing me with my furniture," she called as the bathroom door shut, making Wynonna smile.

Reina had left her cell phone on the table, and Wynonna couldn't help herself when the screen lit up. A string of texts from someone listed in her new friend's contacts as Cal read:

cancel tomorrow u need to come over now

r u getting these?

i said NOW u useless bitch

answer me

Wynonna quickly returned to her previous position on the sofa as she heard the toilet flushing and then the sink running, pretending she hadn't seen a thing. Unfortunately she didn't have the best track record of keeping things to herself.

"Who's Cal?" she asked on impulse the moment Reina walked into the living room, curiosity getting the best of her. The other woman's eyes widened and she rushed to her phone, also checking her messages.

"Shit. Can you find something to do for a couple minutes? I have to go," Reina was already halfway out the door after grabbing a jacket. She paused for a moment to look expectantly at Wynonna.

"There's a shit ton of snow outside in case you don't remember."

"I'm not going far. Can you?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Wait a second, you never answered my question!" Wynonna realized the second statement had gone unheard due to Reina quite literally sprinting out of the building. With a sigh, she left the sofa to walk around the apartment.


Wynonna had dozed off again by the time there was a knock on the door. She shot up, leery as she approached it and listened. The knocking seemed frantic and hurried, and after the second round of knocks a hushed voice said "it's me" in Reina's silvery tone. She unlocked and opened the door, although she couldn't recall locking it in the first place.

"I locked myself out," Reina explained quickly as she shut the door and gave Wynonna a small push away from it at the same time.

"I can see that," Wynonna said with a slight smile. The humor evident in her tone quickly drained when she saw Reina's face. Tear stains glistened in rivets down her cheeks and her eyes reflected absolutely nothing but fear. Red, swollen bruises tainted her glossy skin from forehead to jaw.

Those fearful eyes met Wynonna's with an urgency to them.

"You need to hide," Reina whispered with an unusual emphasis on 'need' and 'hide'.

"Wh-" She was interrupted before the question even left her lips.

"I'll tell you later. Or you'll figure it out. Go."

Choosing not to argue, Wynonna scrambled behind Reina's bed seconds before the door burst open.

"Where is she?!" an obviously angry man with a distinctly southern accent shouted, presumably referring to herself and directing the question towards Reina.

"Cal, please calm down. You're sick-" A resounding smack and a thud following shortly thereafter, paired with the sight of Reina's dark curls sprawling across the floor, told Wynonna that Cal didn't much appreciate that. All the heir could see of the man were heavy steel-toed boots walking towards her. The covers were ripped from the bed beside her, and she quickly realized why he was there.

Wynonna clambered out of her hiding spot, holding her hands up to show she wasn't armed. One glance told her that the same couldn't be said for Cal - in his left hand was a Smith & Wesson 325 Thunder Ranch. A revolver that would likely hurt very much if she were to get shot with it. He was indeed as tall and intimidating as she'd pictured him with a mop of greasy auburn hair swept back from his face.

"Hi, I'm Wynonna-"

"I know who you fucking are," Cal spat, words and delivery seething in anger.

"Okay, that's great! Whatever you think was going on here is not the case," she tried to reason.

"Oh, so you're not the Earp heir? A couple buddies 'a mine tell me otherwise," Cal replied sarcastically. A soft yelp came from the ground as the male took a step forward, stepping on something that made a crunching sound. Wynonna shivered, not wanting to think about what caused the noise.

"Look, I don't give a rat's ass about what you and the mutt here were doing. All I know is I want your pretty lil' head on a stick." He moved again, a sinister chuckle filling the silence. Wynonna was cornered and the only way around Cal was over Reina's bed, a maneuver that would both leave her vulnerable and take too long to execute. Luckily, the owner of the apartment chose that moment to silently rise from the floor to grab the armed man's arm. He fired into the ceiling as Reina spun him around and sucker punched him in the juggular. Enemy temporarily stunned, Reina motioned for Wynonna to run.

Cal's eyes went from a muddy brown to soulless red as he effortlessly picked Reina up and chucked her at Wynonna. Luckily, the heir had enough sense in her at the moment to duck. Reina smacked into the wall and landed on her face with another loud crack. She pushed herself to her feet again, blood gushing from her nose and into her mouth as she spoke.

"Fuck. Off." She wiped the lower half of her face on her sleeve as she stared Cal down, only for the blood she'd gotten rid of to be replaced in a matter of seconds.

Cal laughed coldly, and Wynonna felt the temperature in the room rise again. He pointed the gun and fired.

As if in slow motion, Wynonna's head slammed into the wall and she was plunged into a suffocating darkness.

Bottom of the Bottle | Wynonna Earp Where stories live. Discover now